2012年7月31日火曜日16:42 曇り/晴れ 最低気温;22ー23ºC、最高気温;27ー29ºC、BARCELONA県から
スペインのマドリッド県のMOSTOLES街の海産物食楽店(レストラン)でレジオネラ(LEGIONELA)が発生し、63人が感染し、2人が感染死亡、食楽店は、廃業寸前! 食中毒で裁判にも訴えられる
“Mis hijas me veían por la tele y me preguntaban qué había hecho”
El local foco de la legionela, que cumplía la normativa, está cerca de la quiebra y se enfrenta a una denuncia por homicidio imprudente. Sanidad da por cerrado el caso
"My daughter saw me on TV and I wondered what had made"
The local focus of Legionella, which complied with the rules, is close to bankruptcy and faces a charge of reckless homicide. Health gives the case closed
Ellen Sevillano Móstoles 30 JUL 2012 - 23:54 CET
The local focus of Legionella, which complied with the rules, is close to bankruptcy and faces a charge of reckless homicide. Health gives the case closed
Ellen Sevillano Móstoles 30 JUL 2012 - 23:54 CET
"The day news broke that was full of television cameras. This is the ruin, I thought, "Jose Luis Moreno had yesterday, 41 at the door of the seafood Moreno II, in an estate on the outskirts of Mostoles, the former national V. "Who has come today that it's over?". On 4 July the Ministry of Health reported that it was investigating an outbreak of legionella and that all concerned had come to "a restaurant in an industrial estate in the municipality of Móstoles".
It did not say much more. Then it was filtered his, a pristine local open only seven months ago, with the same name as the family restaurant, founded in 1976 in the town center and well known. Health announced yesterday that "considered complete" the outbreak. It was found that the 63 affected, two of them have died, were infected in Moreno, but the seafood restaurant was never closed. Health does not even opened a file. "Ticked all the rules," confirmed a spokesman.
63 cases and two women died
Legionella is a bacterium that proliferates very quickly when certain conditions of moisture and heat. Many times, when the inspectors come to take samples, and they do not, although that may have spread to dozens of people who have inhaled water droplets. If the temperature drops a few degrees, just disappear without a trace. The outbreak ended with Móstoles two women of 87 and 63 years died. Both suffered from multiple diseases, according to the Ministry of Health. Finally there have been 63 cases in epidemiological surveys agreed only in one place: the seafood.
Hence, although the first results of lab tests were negative, Health always argued that from the epidemiological point of view the focus was confirmed. In about 70% of outbreaks of legionella is never isolate the causative bacterium and to determine the origin by analysis. This is what happened with the most serious outbreak lived in the region in 2010, which left six dead and 47 infected. On that occasion 40 Health imposed sanctions for poor maintenance, but never found the source.
"From day to day changed my life," recalls Moreno in one of the rooms of the restaurant, about a hundred local tables until a month ago almost filled weekend of family clientele: "We lost 90% of business. Workers began to fear for their jobs. He came to my house and my two daughters was crying because I had seen on television and wondered what I had done. We had a very bad, very bad. " Gets excited and has to stop talking for a moment. Last week I had to start firing: "In this business 62 families lived. We have taken 20 employees, good employees who had no guilt, and if this continues go back 12 more. "
It's seven o'clock and only six people take something in the bar, right next to the sparkling wine you ordered sealing Health. Moreno teaches all local - "I've never had anything to hide," he says, from the kitchen, large, shiny, even the bathrooms, one mini-size for kids, with a changing table and a chair for mothers to give chest. It does not prevent sealed Health facilities: two ornamental fountains cascade at the entrance, another in the center of the main hall and, above all, the evaporative cooling system, a sort of humidifiers as those seen in any summer garden. Points out the fan closest to the door in the entrance hall, just where one expects to accompany him to the table: "They said I could be that, but it is unclear".
more informationHealth announced seven days after an outbreak of legionella in Móstoles"I went out for a beer, and almost cost me my life"What, where and how people become infected with Legionella?First fatality of the outbreak of legionella in MadridSecond fatality of the outbreak of legionella in MadridFixed Aguirre suspected outbreak of legionella in a vaporizerThe first analysis of Legionella is negative in the restaurant Móstoles
Despite knowing that the same could have happened to him that the premises next door, has decided to remove it all. "As a precaution. I do not want whatever Calpe hotel [after an outbreak closed and when the authorities had reopened six months after new cases]. " Is excited to talk about his employees: "They have offered to come free until we recover." And many customers: "They tell me I had bad luck and you're a disgrace."
"We have all the right papers: bills, warranties, inspection ... Safety is what I have seen a lifetime working with my father. If you had to throw 10 kilos of seafood in case and lose money, it was done. If this had been our fault, we would be wrong and hurt, but it would be the same. If inspectors had found it dirty, unlicensed, the machinery can control ... But this shower without eating or drinking has been very hard. Suddenly you lose your heritage, your company, your life, "laments Moreno, who began collecting tables in the family restaurant at age 12. "I have been. And when you touch something, you have to deal with it. I complain about how it has addressed this issue. From day one we were marked and that can not be done without results, "he laments.
A law firm has already submitted "five or six" criminal complaints against seafood "for an alleged crime of negligent homicide and negligent injury," confirmed a spokesman for Attorney Vazquez. "They have contacted us almost 30 affected by the outbreak of Móstoles" he adds. Moreno, who called for "respect" does not meet this daily until the patients leave the hospital, said he understood those affected. "I understand that asking for compensation, for that you have liability insurance. But think also of how a business is after information this way. "
It did not say much more. Then it was filtered his, a pristine local open only seven months ago, with the same name as the family restaurant, founded in 1976 in the town center and well known. Health announced yesterday that "considered complete" the outbreak. It was found that the 63 affected, two of them have died, were infected in Moreno, but the seafood restaurant was never closed. Health does not even opened a file. "Ticked all the rules," confirmed a spokesman.
63 cases and two women died
Legionella is a bacterium that proliferates very quickly when certain conditions of moisture and heat. Many times, when the inspectors come to take samples, and they do not, although that may have spread to dozens of people who have inhaled water droplets. If the temperature drops a few degrees, just disappear without a trace. The outbreak ended with Móstoles two women of 87 and 63 years died. Both suffered from multiple diseases, according to the Ministry of Health. Finally there have been 63 cases in epidemiological surveys agreed only in one place: the seafood.
Hence, although the first results of lab tests were negative, Health always argued that from the epidemiological point of view the focus was confirmed. In about 70% of outbreaks of legionella is never isolate the causative bacterium and to determine the origin by analysis. This is what happened with the most serious outbreak lived in the region in 2010, which left six dead and 47 infected. On that occasion 40 Health imposed sanctions for poor maintenance, but never found the source.
"From day to day changed my life," recalls Moreno in one of the rooms of the restaurant, about a hundred local tables until a month ago almost filled weekend of family clientele: "We lost 90% of business. Workers began to fear for their jobs. He came to my house and my two daughters was crying because I had seen on television and wondered what I had done. We had a very bad, very bad. " Gets excited and has to stop talking for a moment. Last week I had to start firing: "In this business 62 families lived. We have taken 20 employees, good employees who had no guilt, and if this continues go back 12 more. "
It's seven o'clock and only six people take something in the bar, right next to the sparkling wine you ordered sealing Health. Moreno teaches all local - "I've never had anything to hide," he says, from the kitchen, large, shiny, even the bathrooms, one mini-size for kids, with a changing table and a chair for mothers to give chest. It does not prevent sealed Health facilities: two ornamental fountains cascade at the entrance, another in the center of the main hall and, above all, the evaporative cooling system, a sort of humidifiers as those seen in any summer garden. Points out the fan closest to the door in the entrance hall, just where one expects to accompany him to the table: "They said I could be that, but it is unclear".
more informationHealth announced seven days after an outbreak of legionella in Móstoles"I went out for a beer, and almost cost me my life"What, where and how people become infected with Legionella?First fatality of the outbreak of legionella in MadridSecond fatality of the outbreak of legionella in MadridFixed Aguirre suspected outbreak of legionella in a vaporizerThe first analysis of Legionella is negative in the restaurant Móstoles
Despite knowing that the same could have happened to him that the premises next door, has decided to remove it all. "As a precaution. I do not want whatever Calpe hotel [after an outbreak closed and when the authorities had reopened six months after new cases]. " Is excited to talk about his employees: "They have offered to come free until we recover." And many customers: "They tell me I had bad luck and you're a disgrace."
"We have all the right papers: bills, warranties, inspection ... Safety is what I have seen a lifetime working with my father. If you had to throw 10 kilos of seafood in case and lose money, it was done. If this had been our fault, we would be wrong and hurt, but it would be the same. If inspectors had found it dirty, unlicensed, the machinery can control ... But this shower without eating or drinking has been very hard. Suddenly you lose your heritage, your company, your life, "laments Moreno, who began collecting tables in the family restaurant at age 12. "I have been. And when you touch something, you have to deal with it. I complain about how it has addressed this issue. From day one we were marked and that can not be done without results, "he laments.
A law firm has already submitted "five or six" criminal complaints against seafood "for an alleged crime of negligent homicide and negligent injury," confirmed a spokesman for Attorney Vazquez. "They have contacted us almost 30 affected by the outbreak of Móstoles" he adds. Moreno, who called for "respect" does not meet this daily until the patients leave the hospital, said he understood those affected. "I understand that asking for compensation, for that you have liability insurance. But think also of how a business is after information this way. "
エレンSevillanoモストレス30 JUL 2012 - 午前23時54分CET
«Ma fille m'a vu à la télé et je me demandais ce qui avait fait"
L'accent local de Legionella, qui est conforme avec les règles, est proche de la faillite et face à une accusation d'homicide par imprudence. Santé donne l'affaire close
Ellen Sevillano Móstoles 30 JUL 2012 - 23:54 CET
"Les nouvelles le jour parut, qui était plein de caméras de télévision. Il s'agit de la ruine, je pensais, "Jose Luis Moreno a eu hier, 41 à la porte de la mer II Moreno, dans une succession à la périphérie de Mostoles, l'ex-nationale V. «Qui est venu aujourd'hui que c'est fini?". Le 4 Juillet au ministère de la Santé a indiqué qu'il enquêtait sur une épidémie de légionellose et que toutes les parties concernées était venu "d'un restaurant dans une zone industrielle dans la municipalité de Móstoles".
Il n'a pas dit beaucoup plus. Ensuite, il a été filtré à lui, une vierge locaux ouverts seulement il ya sept mois, avec le même nom que le restaurant familial, fondé en 1976 dans le centre-ville et bien connu. La Santé a annoncé hier que «considérée comme complète" de l'épidémie. Il a été constaté que les 63 touchés, deux d'entre eux sont morts, ont été infectés dans Moreno, mais le restaurant de fruits de mer n'a jamais été fermée. Santé n'a même pas ouvert un fichier. "Coché toutes les règles», a confirmé un porte-parole.
63 cas et deux femmes sont morts
Legionella est une bactérie qui prolifère très rapidement lorsque certaines conditions d'humidité et de chaleur. Plusieurs fois, lorsque les inspecteurs viennent de prélever des échantillons, et ils ne le font pas, bien que cela puisse se sont propagées à des dizaines de personnes qui ont inhalé des gouttelettes d'eau. Si la température descend de quelques degrés, tout simplement disparaître sans laisser de trace. L'épidémie a pris fin avec Móstoles deux femmes de 87 et 63 ans est décédé. Tous deux souffraient de maladies multiples, selon le ministère de la Santé. Enfin, il ya eu 63 cas dans les enquêtes épidémiologiques ont convenu que dans un seul endroit: les fruits de mer.
Ainsi, bien que les premiers résultats de tests de laboratoire ont été négatifs, de la santé toujours soutenu que du point de vue épidémiologique l'accent a été confirmée. Dans environ 70% des foyers de légionelles n'est jamais isoler la bactérie responsable et de déterminer l'origine par l'analyse. C'est ce qui s'est passé avec l'épidémie la plus grave a vécu dans la région en 2010, qui a fait six morts et 47 infectés. A cette occasion, 40 Santé a imposé des sanctions pour mauvais entretien, mais n'a jamais trouvé la source.
«De jour en jour a changé ma vie», se souvient Moreno dans l'une des salles du restaurant, une centaine de tables locales jusqu'à ce week-end il ya un mois presque rempli de clientèle familiale: «Nous avons perdu 90% de d'affaires. Les travailleurs ont commencé à craindre pour leurs emplois. Il est venu à ma maison et mes deux filles pleurait parce que j'avais vu à la télévision et je me demandais ce que j'avais fait. Nous avons eu une très mauvaise, très mauvaise. " Obtient excité et doit cesser de parler pendant un moment. La semaine dernière, j'ai dû commencer à tirer: «Dans ce métier, 62 familles vivaient. Nous avons pris 20 employés, des employés de bonnes qui n'avaient pas la culpabilité, et si cela continue revenir 12 plus. "
Il est sept heures et seulement six personnes prendre quelque chose dans le bar, juste à côté du vin mousseux que vous avez commandé d'étanchéité de la santé. Moreno enseigne à tous locale - «Je n'ai jamais eu rien à cacher», dit-il, de la cuisine, grande, brillante, même les salles de bains, un mini-taille pour les enfants, avec une table à langer et une chaise pour les mères à donner poitrine. Il n'empêche pas les installations de santé scellés: deux en cascade d'ornement fontaines à l'entrée, l'autre dans le centre de la salle principale et, surtout, le système de refroidissement par évaporation, une sorte d'humidificateurs que ceux observés dans n'importe quel jardin d'été. Souligne le ventilateur le plus proche de la porte dans le hall d'entrée, là où l'on attend de l'accompagner à la table: «Ils ont dit que je pourrais être, mais il n'est pas clair".
plus d'informationsLa Santé a annoncé sept jours après une épidémie de légionellose à Móstoles«Je suis allé prendre une bière, et a failli me coûter ma vie"Qu'est-ce, où et comment les gens deviennent infectés par Legionella?Première victime de l'épidémie de légionellose à MadridDeuxième accident mortel de l'épidémie de légionellose à MadridFixe Aguirre soupçonné épidémie de légionellose dans un vaporisateurLa première analyse de Legionella est négatif dans les restaurants Móstoles
Bien que sachant que la même chose pourrait lui arriver que la porte des locaux prochain, a décidé de retirer tout cela. "Par mesure de précaution. Je ne veux pas tout Calpe hôtel [après une épidémie fermé et lorsque les autorités avaient rouvert six mois après de nouveaux cas]. " Est heureux de parler de ses employés: «Ils ont proposé de venir gratuitement jusqu'à ce que nous récupérer." Et de nombreux clients: «Ils me disent que je eu de la malchance et que vous êtes une honte."
"Nous avons tous les bons papiers: factures, garanties, de l'inspection ... La sécurité est ce que j'ai vu toute une vie à travailler avec mon père. Si vous aviez à jeter 10 kilos de fruits de mer dans les cas et perdre de l'argent, il a été fait. Si cela avait été notre faute, nous aurions tort et du mal, mais ce serait la même. Si les inspecteurs avaient trouvé sale, sans licence, les machines ne peuvent contrôler ... Mais cette douche sans boire ni manger a été très dur. Tout à coup, vous perdez votre patrimoine, votre entreprise, votre vie ", se lamente Moreno, qui a commencé à recueillir des tables dans le restaurant familial à l'âge de 12 ans. «J'ai été. Et quand vous touchez quelque chose, vous avez à traiter avec elle. Je me plains de la manière dont il a abordé cette question. Dès le premier jour nous avons été marqués et qui ne peut pas être fait sans résultats », se plaint-il.
Un cabinet d'avocats a déjà soumis "cinq ou six" des plaintes pénales contre les fruits de mer "pour un prétendu crime d'homicide par négligence et de blessures par négligence», a confirmé un porte-parole pour le procureur Vazquez. "Ils nous ont contactés près de 30 touchés par l'épidémie de Móstoles" at-il ajouté. Moreno, qui a appelé au «respect» ne répond pas à cette quotidiennement jusqu'à ce que les patients quittent l'hôpital, a dit qu'il comprenait ceux qui sont touchés. "Je comprends que demander de compensation, pour que vous ayez une assurance responsabilité civile. Mais pense aussi à la façon dont une entreprise est, après information de cette façon. "
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