Un brote de Ébola mata a 14 personas en Uganda
No existe cura ni vacuna para la fiebre hemorrágica causada por este virus
An Ebola outbreak kills 14 people in Uganda
There is no cure or vaccine for dengue hemorrhagic fever caused by this virus
Jose Miguel Calatayud Nairobi 29 JUL 2012 - 15:32 CET
There is no cure or vaccine for dengue hemorrhagic fever caused by this virus
Jose Miguel Calatayud Nairobi 29 JUL 2012 - 15:32 CET
It is one of those viruses whose mere mention produces terror and remember science fiction movies in which men isolated government buildings and wear whole suits virtually astronauts. Ebola is one of the most lethal and fastest acting and can kill a person within a few days and in a horrible way in which the victim suffers from diarrhea, vomiting, and can bleed through the skin.
In recent weeks, at least 14 people have died in Uganda and a total of 20 have been infected due to an outbreak of disease caused by this virus, as confirmed during the weekend itself Ugandan government and the World Health Organization (WHO). The virus causes Ebola hemorrhagic fever call for which no cure or vaccine. In addition, their mortality rate is very high: between 25% and 90% of those infected die, according to the different strains of the virus.
An emergency team consisting of government officials, WHO and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, in English), traveled to the affected area in order to control the outbreak and try to establish its origin.
The Ebola virus has a mortality rate exceeding 25%
Only since 2000, and including the present one, have been recorded 11 outbreaks of Ebola in the world, all in sub-Saharan Africa, according to the CDC. With this, four were in Uganda, three in the Republic of Congo, two in the Democratic Republic of Congo, one in Southern Sudan (then still part of the united Sudan) and in Gabon. Of the 1,170 people infected with HIV during these outbreaks, 729 were killed, representing a very high rate of 62.3%. Since the discovery in 1976, an estimated 1,200 people have died of Ebola virus, all in Africa.
Ironically, outbreaks usually arise from one's own health care facilities when not recognized as a patient infected with Ebola virus. Because of the ease with which it spread, the disease spreads rapidly until the outbreak is identified and brought under control.
more information"The virus infects the caregiver"A new drug is effective in monkeys
Statistically, the number of people affected by the virus is very small, but it is so lethal pathogen that some people afraid that even can be used to build biological weapons. Although this point still belongs to science fiction, it is also true that we do not know enough about the Ebola virus to be able to get it under control.
Scientists do not know the origin of the Ebola virus and its natural reservoir or host, the body that contains and transmits the virus but not affected by the disease. It is thought that might be called fruit bat, found in some tropical regions of Africa, Asia and Oceania.
Among humans, the virus spreads very easily by direct contact with blood or other body fluids and even contact with clothing or bedding. In addition, there have been cases of people infected by chimpanzees, gorillas or other animals and is believed that the virus could be transmitted by air.
Although no treatment is available, U.S. scientists found a possible cure for two years. The researchers injected fragments of genetic material in monkeys infected with a dose 30,000 times more potent than the more lethal strain of Ebola, which in itself is fatal in 90% of human cases. This injection was intended to halt the growth of viruses and cells cured all monkeys. However, still be missing several years before they know whether this cure might work in people.
As for a vaccine, until recently developed all consisted of injecting into the individual particles of the virus harmless. The problem is that these drugs could be stored because the virus eventually lose its effectiveness. But in December last year another group of U.S. researchers created the first vaccine to protect not only got 80% of the mice but, crucially, can be stored and remains effective. The next step is to test with a strain of the virus more similar to that infects humans and, again, in the best years to be missing still able to have an effective vaccine for humans.
In recent weeks, at least 14 people have died in Uganda and a total of 20 have been infected due to an outbreak of disease caused by this virus, as confirmed during the weekend itself Ugandan government and the World Health Organization (WHO). The virus causes Ebola hemorrhagic fever call for which no cure or vaccine. In addition, their mortality rate is very high: between 25% and 90% of those infected die, according to the different strains of the virus.
An emergency team consisting of government officials, WHO and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, in English), traveled to the affected area in order to control the outbreak and try to establish its origin.
The Ebola virus has a mortality rate exceeding 25%
Only since 2000, and including the present one, have been recorded 11 outbreaks of Ebola in the world, all in sub-Saharan Africa, according to the CDC. With this, four were in Uganda, three in the Republic of Congo, two in the Democratic Republic of Congo, one in Southern Sudan (then still part of the united Sudan) and in Gabon. Of the 1,170 people infected with HIV during these outbreaks, 729 were killed, representing a very high rate of 62.3%. Since the discovery in 1976, an estimated 1,200 people have died of Ebola virus, all in Africa.
Ironically, outbreaks usually arise from one's own health care facilities when not recognized as a patient infected with Ebola virus. Because of the ease with which it spread, the disease spreads rapidly until the outbreak is identified and brought under control.
more information"The virus infects the caregiver"A new drug is effective in monkeys
Statistically, the number of people affected by the virus is very small, but it is so lethal pathogen that some people afraid that even can be used to build biological weapons. Although this point still belongs to science fiction, it is also true that we do not know enough about the Ebola virus to be able to get it under control.
Scientists do not know the origin of the Ebola virus and its natural reservoir or host, the body that contains and transmits the virus but not affected by the disease. It is thought that might be called fruit bat, found in some tropical regions of Africa, Asia and Oceania.
Among humans, the virus spreads very easily by direct contact with blood or other body fluids and even contact with clothing or bedding. In addition, there have been cases of people infected by chimpanzees, gorillas or other animals and is believed that the virus could be transmitted by air.
Although no treatment is available, U.S. scientists found a possible cure for two years. The researchers injected fragments of genetic material in monkeys infected with a dose 30,000 times more potent than the more lethal strain of Ebola, which in itself is fatal in 90% of human cases. This injection was intended to halt the growth of viruses and cells cured all monkeys. However, still be missing several years before they know whether this cure might work in people.
As for a vaccine, until recently developed all consisted of injecting into the individual particles of the virus harmless. The problem is that these drugs could be stored because the virus eventually lose its effectiveness. But in December last year another group of U.S. researchers created the first vaccine to protect not only got 80% of the mice but, crucially, can be stored and remains effective. The next step is to test with a strain of the virus more similar to that infects humans and, again, in the best years to be missing still able to have an effective vaccine for humans.
ホセ·ミゲルカラタユナイロビ29 JUL 2012 - 15:32 CET
のみ、2000年以来、現在ものを含むがCDCによると、世界のエボラの11の流行、サハラ以南のアフリカではすべて記録されている。これにより、4人は、ウガンダでコンゴ共和国で3、コンゴ民主共和国の2つ、南スーダン(当時統一スーダンの静止部分)とガボンの一つであった。これらの発生時にHIVに感染して1170人のうち、729は62.3パーセントの非常に高い率を表す、殺された。 1976年に発見されて以来、推定1200人はすべてのアフリカでは、エボラウイルスで死亡しています。
Il n'existe aucun remède ou de vaccin pour la fièvre dengue hémorragique causée par ce virus
Jose Miguel Calatayud Nairobi 29 JUL 2012 - 15:32 CET
Il est l'un de ces virus dont la simple mention produit la terreur et rappelez-vous les films de science-fiction dans lequel les hommes isolés bâtiments du gouvernement et portent des costumes entiers pratiquement astronautes. Ebola est l'un des action la plus meurtrière et la plus rapide et peut tuer une personne en quelques jours et d'une manière horrible dans lequel la victime souffre de la diarrhée, des vomissements, et peut saigner à travers la peau.
Ces dernières semaines, au moins 14 personnes ont trouvé la mort en Ouganda et un total de 20 ont été infectés à cause d'une épidémie de maladie causée par ce virus, comme l'a confirmé le week-end se gouvernement ougandais et l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS). Le virus provoque la fièvre hémorragique Ebola appel pour laquelle aucun remède ou vaccin. En outre, leur taux de mortalité est très élevé: entre 25% et 90% de ceux qui sont infectés, selon les différentes souches du virus.
Une équipe d'urgence composée de représentants du gouvernement, l'OMS et les US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC en anglais), se sont rendus à la zone touchée afin de contrôler l'épidémie et d'essayer de établir son origine.
Le virus Ebola a un taux de mortalité dépassant 25%
Ce n'est que depuis 2000, et y compris la présente, ont été enregistrés 11 foyers de virus Ebola dans le monde, tous en Afrique sub-saharienne, selon les CDC. Grâce à cela, quatre étaient en Ouganda, trois en République du Congo, deux en République démocratique du Congo, l'un au Sud-Soudan (alors encore partie du Soudan-Unis) et au Gabon. Parmi les 1.170 personnes infectées par le VIH au cours de ces épidémies, 729 ont été tués, ce qui représente un taux très élevé de 62,3%. Depuis la découverte en 1976, on estime que 1200 personnes sont mortes du virus Ebola, tous en Afrique.
Ironie du sort, les épidémies surviennent habituellement à partir de ses propres installations de soins de santé lorsqu'il n'est pas reconnu comme un patient infecté par le virus Ebola. En raison de la facilité avec laquelle il se propager, la maladie se propage rapidement jusqu'à ce que l'épidémie est identifié et mis sous contrôle.
plus d'informations"Le virus infecte le soignant"Un nouveau médicament est efficace chez le singe
Statistiquement, le nombre de personnes touchées par le virus est très faible, mais il est pathogène si mortel que certaines personnes craignent que, même peut être utilisé pour fabriquer des armes biologiques. Bien que ce point appartient encore à la science-fiction, il est également vrai que nous ne savons pas assez sur le virus Ebola d'être en mesure de le faire sous contrôle.
Les scientifiques ne connaissent pas l'origine du virus Ebola et son réservoir naturel ou de l'hôte, le corps qui contient et transmet le virus, mais pas affectée par la maladie. On pense que l'on pourrait appeler chauve-souris frugivore, dans certaines régions tropicales d'Afrique, d'Asie et d'Océanie.
Chez les humains, le virus se propage très facilement par contact direct avec du sang ou autres fluides corporels, et même le contact avec les vêtements ou la literie. En outre, il ya eu des cas de personnes infectées par les chimpanzés, les gorilles ou d'autres animaux et on croit que le virus pouvait être transmis par voie aérienne.
Bien qu'aucun traitement est disponible, les scientifiques américains ont découvert un remède possible pour deux ans. Les chercheurs ont injecté des fragments de matériel génétique chez les singes infectés avec une dose 30.000 fois plus puissant que la souche la plus mortelle du virus Ebola, ce qui en soi est mortelle dans 90% des cas humains. Cette injection a été destiné à stopper la croissance des virus et des cellules guéris tous les singes. Cependant, il manquera toujours plusieurs années avant de savoir si cette cure pourrait fonctionner chez les personnes.
Quant à un vaccin, jusqu'à tout récemment mis au point tous les consisté à injecter dans les particules individuelles du virus inoffensif. Le problème est que ces médicaments pourraient être stockées, car le virus finit par perdre de son efficacité. Mais en Décembre l'année dernière un autre groupe de chercheurs américains a créé le premier vaccin pour protéger non seulement obtenu 80% des souris, mais, surtout, peuvent être stockées et reste en vigueur. L'étape suivante consiste à tester avec une souche du virus de la plus semblable à celle infecte les humains et, encore une fois, dans les meilleures années pour être absent encore en mesure de disposer d'un vaccin efficace pour les humains.
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