単一のインフルエンザ(流行性風邪)の予防注射に向かって、毎年変異するインフルエンザ ヴィールスに対抗する
Hacia una vacuna única de la gripe
La identificación de zonas en el virus que no cambian entre las distintas variedades permitiría crear una inmunización que no cambie cada temporada
'Dos salidas y una lección', por JAVIER SAMPEDRO
Emilio de Benito Madrid 9 AGO 2012 - 22:07 CET
Towards a single flu vaccine
The identification of areas where the virus that do not change between the different varieties would create a shot that does not change every season
'Two outputs and a lesson' by Javier Sampedro
Emilio de Benito Madrid 9 AGO 2012 - 22:07 CET
Unlike the case with other infectious diseases, the flu vaccine must be renewed each year. The reason is the enormous variability of the virus, and that drugs developed so far, and for some years yet, are based on portions of this to change very easily. It is the mechanism to escape the pressure that our antibodies undergo as they learn to fight. So when the virus mutates or a new variety enters into service, must be re-vaccinated. To combat this, which is a pain and expense, the idea is to find immutable parts on the surface of the pathogen that can be identified by the immune system and learn to fight this forever. It is the first and essential step to avoid the annual jab. And-this is the news-that seems to be closer.
The key to a study published in the journal Science that researchers have changed the target. Instead of vaccines for the variable portions of the coat proteins of viruses have been restricting until they have found that one of these zones is fixed. No one knows why this happens, if it is more important for the pathogen (and therefore is more protected against changes) or backwards, it makes little difference as less subject to evolutionary pressure. To locate these regions have made antibodies to people who have previously injected viruses of different types of flu. And in his blood, have taken the antibodies (immune system cells that are created as a defense system whose education and stimulation is the key to vaccines). Turning now to the test mice, these antibodies have been used with other types of viruses. And so have selected the most versatile, which have protective properties against most pathogens.
It is an important selection work. As is determined to show us every winter, flu virus is changing. This gives rise to the alphabet soup that makes each season the identification and reporting of specimens that are moved: AH1N1, AH5N1, AH3N2 ... The latest scare that this infectious disease has almost made us experts at their gibberish.
This kind of game of the boats is the attempt to define exactly which virus is circulating, which is that we must protect ourselves. Broadly speaking, two types of pathogen, the A and B, which in turn are subdivided into several classes. The B makes essentially two. A is more complex. There are 15 kinds of hemagglutinin (H names) and 9 neuraminidase (N). Overall, if you take two a and one B virus for vaccines, leaving 18,090 possibilities.
more informationA new variant of influenza transmitted from birds to mammalsA study of 15 times the deaths from influenza A regarding the calculation of the WHOFlu News
To avoid this tiresome to repeat the process each year (pick the virus, incubate eggs, break them, select the pieces of the proteins and put them in vials) is what used to be a universal vaccine. Specifically, researchers have identified three parts of the haemagglutinin which do not vary from one type of virus to another. In that area is called epitope (or epitope, there is still no standard name). Corresponding to each antibody. But they-and not to fill this acronyms-there is one particularly significant, the CR9114.
It is the key to work. Because researchers have made the same test twice, one with type A virus, which made public, and another-that-now published with the type B. And the surprise was that the two works is repeated epitope-antibody combination, of the CR9114. It is, therefore, the perfect target. As the Science article concludes: "In particular, a vaccine to produce antibodies that had as objective the CR9114 epitope can provide the ultimate goal of protection against viruses A and B".
The idea, outlined a number of experts who will not discuss it in detail to study the article, arouses much interest. Comments like that "would be fine" or "very interesting" are repeated. By scraping, leaving some possible points to be clarified before dropping from the rooftops. One is the specificity that really a vaccine that stimulates antibodies against this epitope fits all flu, another strength of the immune response is achieved, there is also the duration of effect. "Current vaccines protect for six or eight months," says one. "If the new work just, would not prevent a flu shot every year. Of course, could be manufactured in series, which would save costs, "he says," because there would have to develop a new immunization every year. " And this can play against him, he warns. Because if achieved, will benefit even laboratory-the one with the patent-but will hurt everyone else.
In any case, it is a future risk. Before much to do. So this winter will be vaccinated again. Specifically, against A/California/7/2009 virus (H1N1), the A/Victoria/361/2011 (H3N2), and to B/Wisconsin/1/2010. Asked to name-calling, why stop short?
A decade of surprises
Epidemics. Strictly speaking, every winter there is a flu epidemic in the northern hemisphere. Thousands of people sick. But occasionally there is a particularly serious pandemic. The last was in 1968. According to statistics, and touches the next. So each new variant of the virus causing so much alarm.
H5N1. Bird flu was declared in 2003. Although no longer speak of it, has not disappeared. This year has already caused 12 deaths in humans. It has already caused 607 cases identified in humans who have died of 358 (59%). This high mortality is concerned. If the virus mutate and be transmitted easily between humans, it would be a danger.
AH1N1. Influenza A or new. Was detected in summer 2009 in California. With health authorities on notice, caused great alarm.
AH3N2. There is a new variant that jumps easily from pigs to people. In the U.S. go by thirty cases.
AH3N8. Described this summer in seals, which cause high mortality. The risk is that changes of mammal host.
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