

現実とかけ離れている。新聞記者は、WHO[1] 17'919 や、CDCの発表する数字を、自分の頭でよく考えもせずに、
CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
Weekly REport
MMWR Weekly. Current Volume (2020)
April 30, Vol.59 / No.16 / Pg. 477 - 512
Notifiable Diseases and Mortality Tables
Table III
Deaths in 122 U.S. cities, week ending April 24, 2010 (16th week)


[1]World Health Organization
Global Alert and Response (GAR)
Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 - update
Weekly update
30 April 2010
As of 25th April, worldwide more than 214 countries and overseas territories or communities have repoted laboratory confirmed cases of pandemic influenza H1N1 2009, including over 17'919 deaths.



インフルエンザ感染[確認]死者数は、2125。(???) {2009年第14週の04月05日ー04月11日から2010年第15週の
2009年08月30日から、今まで、272人の未成年のインフルエンザ感染死亡があり、そのうち、2歳以下の感染死亡は、48、2歳ー4歳は、30人、5歳ー11歳は、102。12歳ー17歳は、92。272人のうち、81%の221にん は、

CDC(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
2009 H1N1 Flu
Map: International Co.circulation of 2009 H1N1 and Seasonal Influenza
(As of April 30, posted April 30, 2010, 5:00 PM ET)
Proportion of Influenza Subtypes in Select Countries
week 15: April 11-12, 2010 to April 17-18, 2010

United States; 2009 H1N1: 37, influenza A(H1): 0, Influenza A(H3): 0,
Influenza A (Unsubtype):17, Influenza B(total):02, TOTAL:56,
Europe; 2009 H1N1: 0,Influenza A(H1): 0,Influenza A(H3): 0,Infuenza A (
Unsubtype): 6, Influenza B (total): 9, TOTAL: 15, China; 2009 H1N1: 47,
Influenza A(H1): 01, Influenza A(H3): 09, Influenza A (Unsutype): 16,
INFLUENZA B(total): 562, TOTAL: 635, GHANA; 2009H1N1: 79, Influenza A(H1):
00, Influenza A(H3): 07, Influenza A (Unsubtype): oo, Influenza B(total):
26, TOTAL: 112,




4万0236人。このうち大部分は、新型インフルエンザ(ブタ風邪)と考えられるので、 今までの


Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
Notifiable Diseases and Mortality Table

cecters for Disease Control and Prevention
2009 H1N1 Flu
Map: International Co-circulation of 2009 H1N1 and Seasonal Influenza
(As of April 30,2010; posted April 30, 2020, 5:00 PM ET)
Proportion of Influenza Subtypes in Select Countries
Week 14: April 04-05, 2010 to April 10-11, 2010

United States; 2009 H1N1: 86, Influenza A(H1): 0, Influenza A(H3): o1,
Influenza A(Unsubtyped): 26, Influenza B(total): 0, TOTAL: 113,
EUROPE; 2009 H1N1; 0, Influenza A(H1): 0, Influenza A(H3): 0, Influenza A(
Unsubtyped): 8, TOTAL: 9, CHINA; 2009 H1N1: 51, Influenza A(H1): 5, Influenza A(H3): 14, Influenza A(Unsubtyped): 21, Influenza B(total): 752,
TOTAL: 843, GHANA; 2009 H1N1: 116, Influenza A(H1N1): 0, Influenza A(H3):
16, Influenza A(Unsubtyped): 5, Influenza B(total): 3, TOTAL: 140.

April 16, 2010 / 59(14);432-446
TABLE III. Deaths in 122 U.S. cities,* week ending April 10, 2010 (14th week) by pneumonia and influenza is 791.




Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR)
Notifiable Diseases and Mortality Table
April 23, 2010 / 59(15); 462-475
TABLE III. Deaths in 122 U.S. cities,* week ending April 17, 2010 (15th week) by pneumonia and influenza is 828.

FLU VIEW ; CDC(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
A Weekly Influenza Surveillance Report Prepared by the Influenza Division
2009-2010 Influenza Season Week 15 (Apr.11)ending April 17, 2010

インフルエンザ感染[確認]死者数は、2125。(???) {2009年第14週の04月05日ー04月11日から2010年第15週の
2009年08月30日から、今まで、272人の未成年のインフルエンザ感染死亡があり、そのうち、2歳以下の感染死亡は、48、2歳ー4歳は、30人、5歳ー11歳は、102。12歳ー17歳は、92。272人のうち、81%の221にん は、

Influenza activity of 15th week (Apr.11-Apr.17)2010 in U.S.A.

Situation Update
Flu Activity: On the one-year anniversary of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, CDC reports that flu activity is low nationwide, although 2009 H1N1 viruses continue to be reported in small numbers. According to the April 11-17 FluView, flu activity in the United States is declining across most key indicators. The most recent CDC mid-level estimates are that about 60 million people in the United States have been infected with 2009 H1N1, 270,000 have been hospitalized and 12,270 people have died from 2009 H1N1-related illness. Sporadic flu activity, caused by either 2009 H1N1 or seasonal flu viruses, is expected to continue throughout the summer in the United States. Internationally, 2009 H1N1 flu is still circulating, including in the Southern Hemisphere, which is entering its flu season. For more information, please see the international situation update. For more information about the first year of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, see “The Year in Review.”
See More On Key Flu Indicators »

2009-2010 Influenza Season Week 15 ending April 17, 2010
All data are preliminary and may change as more reports are received.

During week 15 (April 11-17, 2010), influenza activity decreased in the U.S.

37 (2.1%) specimens tested by U.S. World Health Organization (WHO) and National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) collaborating laboratories and reported to CDC/Influenza Division were positive for influenza.
All 20 subtyped influenza A viruses were 2009 influenza A (H1N1).
The proportion of deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza (P&I) was at the epidemic threshold.
No influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported.
The proportion of outpatient visits for influenza-like illness (ILI) was 1.1%, which is below the national baseline of 2.3%. All 10 regions reported ILI below region-specific baseline levels.
No states reported widespread or regional influenza activity. Four states reported local influenza activity. The District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and 31 states reported sporadic influenza activity. Fourteen states reported no influenza activity, and the U.S. Virgin Islands and one state did not report.

Pneumonia and Influenza Hospitalization and Death Tracking:
The Aggregate Hospitalization and Death Reporting Activity (AHDRA) system was implemented on August 30, 2009, and replaces the weekly report of laboratory confirmed 2009 H1N1-related hospitalizations and deaths that began in April 2009. Jurisdictions report to CDC the number of hospitalizations and deaths resulting from all types or subtypes of influenza, not just those associated with 2009 H1N1. Counts were reset to zero on August 30, 2009. From August 30, 2009 – April 3, 2010, 41,883 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations and 2,125 laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated deaths were reported to CDC.

Reporting of influenza-associated hospitalizations and deaths through AHDRA was discontinued during the week ending April 3, 2010 (week 13). CDC will continue to use its traditional influenza surveillance systems to track the remainder of the 2009-10 season

Pneumonia and Influenza (P&I) Mortality Surveillance
During week 15, 7.6% of all deaths reported through the 122-Cities Mortality Reporting System were due to P&I. This percentage was at the epidemic threshold of 7.6% for week 15.The number of deaths by pneumonia and influenza is 828 people died during 15 th week (Apr.11-Apr-17) 2010.

Influenza-Associated Pediatric Mortality
No influenza-associated pediatric deaths were reported to CDC during week 15.

Since August 30, 2009, CDC has received 272 reports of influenza-associated pediatric deaths that occurred during the current influenza season (48 deaths in children less than 2 years old, 30 deaths in children 2-4 years old, 102 deaths in children 5-11 years old, and 92 deaths in children 12-17 years old). Two hundred twenty-one (81%) of the 272 deaths were due to 2009 influenza A (H1N1) virus infections, 50 were associated with an influenza A virus for which the subtype is undetermined, and one was associated with an influenza B virus infection. A total of 281 deaths in children associated with 2009 influenza A (H1N1) virus infection have been reported to CDC.

Among the 272 deaths in children, 145 children had specimens collected for bacterial culture from normally sterile sites and 50 (34.5%) of the 145 were positive; Streptococcus pneumoniae was identified in 11 (22.0%) of the 50 children, and Staphylococcus aureus was identified in 15 (30.0%) of the 50 children. Four S. aureus isolates were sensitive to methicillin, ten were methicillin resistant, and one did not have sensitivity testing performed. Thirty-three (66.0%) of the 50 children with bacterial coinfections were five years of age or older, and 17 (34.0%) of the 50 children were 12 years of age or older.

Influenza-Associated Hospitalizations
Laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations are monitored using a population-based surveillance network that includes the 10 Emerging Infections Program (EIP) sites (CA, CO, CT, GA, MD, MN, NM, NY, OR and TN) and six new sites (IA, ID, MI, ND, OK and SD).

During September 1, 2009 – April 17, 2010, the following preliminary laboratory-confirmed overall influenza associated hospitalization rates were reported by EIP and the new sites (rates include influenza A, influenza B, and 2009 influenza A (H1N1)):

Rates [EIP (new sites)] for children aged 0-4 years and 5-17 years were 6.7 (10.7) and 2.5 (3.6) per 10,000, respectively. Rates [EIP (new sites)] for adults aged 18-49 years, 50-64 years, and ≥ 65 years were 2.4 (1.7), 3.2 (2.0) and 2.8 (1.8) per 10,000, respectively.



Another flu case in Hungary June 02 2009

Another flu cases in Hungary
2009th June 02
A Budapest, a young man's 2009th On June 1, flu symptoms reported in the ambulanciáján László Hospital. The throat-performed studies have shown that the infection of the new A (H1N1) caused influenzatörzs.

The men's 2009th on May 30, came home from New York, signs have already appeared in Hungary. The only mild disease, mild fever, fáradékonysággal visited, so the hospital was unnecessary, medicine has proved to be sufficient.

The patient traveled with his girlfriend, who is also ill, but even after taking the antiviral drug cured before the return home. In his examination of the samples could not detect the virus.

The ÁNTSZ examines the patient's environment to spread the infection.

For further questions please contact Orsolya Balint 30/6995711-es the phone.

Budapest, 2009. June 2 EÜM Press Office
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Hungary, too, the new flu virus May 29 2009

Hungary, too, the new flu virus
2009th May 29

Press Release

Hungary is also certified by the National Centre for Epidemiology ÁNTSZ Influenza Laboratory of the new - announced on Friday at 18.00 dr. Tamas Szekely Minister of Health.

The Brazilian national men on May 22, came to Hungary on Friday. On the afternoon of May 25, Eger became ill. Flu-like symptoms on May 27 visited the family doctor, who after the examination of the Eger hospital's emergency department was sent to the laboratory for testing. Here's the instructions from the doctor infektológus torokmosó fluid, nasal and garatváladékból samples were taken, as required by the pandemic plan is sent to the National Epidemiology Center in Budapest. The laboratory tests showed all three samples of the A (H1N1) virus.

The Brazilian men's national, arrived in New York City, a tourist staying in our country. Arrive at the airport infrakamerák he indicated low-grade fever. The disease was mild, the young man almost 5 days to is healed. The ÁNTSZ Eger health department supervisor contacted me to help trace the persons to whom they are latent or symptomatic disease during the meeting. Restaurant is not ill. The young man came into contact with people healed state of health, epidemiologists ÁNTSZ 7-10 days monitored.

ÁNTSZ Communications Department
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in Mexico Apr.17-Apr.23 2009, 850 influenza infection and 59died

A new influenza A virus-caused diseases
2009th April 27
Mexico April 17 to 23. between more than 850 flu-like illness associated with pneumonia were registered, of whom 59 people died. The disease mainly in three areas in the country (Mexico City, from Baja California and San Luis Potosi) concerned. In parallel, the United States, outbreaks were detected, the patient test sample of a new influenza A virus have been identified. The World Health Organization experts that there is no immediate threat of influenza pandemic will occur.

The preliminary laboratory test results show that the Mexican cases detected in the U.S., the above-mentioned diseases demonstrated a similar virus.
The U.S. and Mexican health authorities have confirmed the flu and started to watch the active detection of cases. Mexico City, suspended the operation of schools and universities, and recommended the postponement of events involving large crowds.

The World Health Organisation (www.who.int) closely followed the events, coordinating the new influnezavírus be given to the possible development of an epidemic caused by a global response, and continually assesses the risk of an influenza pandemic.
In this context, the weekend of the World Health Organization, WHO member countries briefed on two occasions audioconference, published in the measures imposed by some countries.

The 2008-2009's seasonal flu inoculations of the new organization is likely more protected against the infection because the vaccine contains the A (H1N1) virus vaccine. In compliance with the rules of hygiene (frequent hand washing, sneezing handkerchief, orrfújás and avoiding crowded places) with individual control means.

The WHO did not order the currently existing third-, low-hazard alert fokozatnál greater severity alarms.

In Hungary, the government health care, the following measures:

• The Budapest Ferihegy airport, the health service priority information, today's English-Hungarian-German language awareness posters Outsourcing
• The Agricultural Management Office were contacted and information on the current epidemiological situation
• The regional and subregional institutions ÁNTSZ information, and regional health service plans to review the imposition of influenza, animal health to strengthen cooperation
· The flu monitoring service confirmation: Information for healthcare providers to the symptoms of disease and necessary action to be taken if there is suspicion
• The Pandemic Committee is the 2009th 27 April 13:00 hours
• The public health toll-free number to ensure tomorrow morning, that is, the 2009th from 28 April: 06 80204-217
· Continuous public information and the www.eum.hu www.antsz.hu websites

Accordance with the provisions of the EU countries are currently no travel restrictions for travelers in the country must abide by health standards.

Who is from Mexico and the USA comes home, and flu-like symptoms within 8-10 days of private, contact your doctor immediately and tell megbetegedéséről of a medical service may be required to perform the tests.

The American continent, a new influenza virus causing the disease - Questions and Answers (MS Word file, 80 kB)

2009th April 27 Ministry of Health Press Office
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Influenza A(H1N1) Aug.07 2009 in HUNGARY

2009th August 07
Hungary in the last 48 hours, 60 influenza A (H1N1) v patients with suspected specimen tested at the National Epidemiology Center. Of these, six cases demonstrated the etiological role of a new influenza virus, so has the number of confirmed cases rose to 111.
All of the patients traveling abroad - in England, Malta, Spain and Greece - have been infected with, their condition is satisfactory.

The actual visit is mainly run by free green number of callers asked about signs of the disease.

Persons who have symptoms of the disease - sudden onset of high fever, cough, sore throat, ordugulás, muscle aches, headache, fatigue, chills, nausea, vomiting - finds himself, as far as possible to remain at home. Actions the same as for seasonal influenza infection: lázcsillapítás, bed rest, vitamins, plenty of fluid consumption. If you do not improve within 2-3 days, tell your doctor who will decide whether at home or in hospital should be more healing.

To raise public awareness of hygiene, then the proposed rules:

Inflienza infection 37th week(Sep.07-Sep-13)2009 HUNGARY

Doctors participating in the flu watch reports, estimated that the 2009th September 7 to 13. between the countries, more than 4000 flu-like symptoms, a doctor turned patient. This is almost three times the previous week. Significantly compared to last week's ÁNTSZ-stop for the number of reported respiratory disease - showed a total of 16 cases - four of which have been established in the Community of pandemic virus in an epidemic. 158 cases of virological tests, and 30 percent of patients with influenza A (H1N1) v positive. These two facts suggest that our country has begun the influenza A (H1N1) virus, v continuous spread in the population. That explains the month of September would not otherwise have an unusual characteristic of flu-like illnesses on the rise. The patients, about half in Budapest and Pest County, Hungary is the Central Region recorded. 37 week, 30.8 percent of child patients turned to a doctor, 45.9 percent of 15-34 year-old young adult, middle-aged 16.3 percent, 7 percent were 60 years of age.

Over the past 16 weeks, respiratory epidemic, informed the State Health and Medical Services. According to the latest summary of the 14 community, a family area and a total of 560 outbreaks of disease have been registered. The epidemics five primary schools, 7 secondary schools, 1 kindergarten and 1 occurred in primary and secondary schools. 5 event of an epidemic of virological tests confirmed the presence of a pandemic influenza virus - the pandemic of five, four, "institutional" and one had a family disease. The pandemic virus in two primary schools in Budapest, Szeged, Gödöllő and a proven high school caused the epidemic. Járványnál additional 5 entries by examining samples with negative results, 6 epidemic, is in the virological investigations are ongoing.

37 week, a total of 158 suspected flu patients were sent for virological examination of the test material ÁNTSZ National Epidemiology Center. The country has a total of 48 patients with confirmed influenza A infection, 47 cases of influenza A (H1N1) viruses were identified v. The laboratory test confirmed by three-quarters of the illnesses occurred in the Central Hungarian region.

In our country, increased the number of flu-like illness, Community outbreaks have appeared across the country, but overall influenza activity, ie, diseases that require a small number of 100 000 inhabitants. The predominant pathogen of pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus, v. The Central Hungarian Region, 36-37. weeks showed a regional epidemic. The continued spread of pandemic influenza virus, the longer the chain of infection can be traced. A 21-37. weeks, registered in the pandemic (H1N1) virus v illnesses caused by the total number of 206 increased, 32 patients were cared for in hospital, one patient died.

ÁNTSZ Communications Department


Influenza infection of 41th week (oct.05-Oct,11) 2009 in Hungary

The National Centre for Epidemiology Information
Watch the influenza data
2009th 41st seven

The watch reports of the participating physicians based on the estimate made by the 2009th October 5 to 11. of the country around. 16,600 people turned doctor flu-like symptoms, 18% more than the previous week.

More than half of the patients in Budapest and Pest County, Hungary is the Central Region recorded: while the capital has not changed, Pest County, one and half times increase in the number of patients compared to the previous week. Pest county, 100,000 residents of 490, the capital of 200 patients diagnosed with flu-like illness in doctors.

41 weeks, a doctor turned patient, 19.8% of 0-14 year old child, half (49.6%) young adults 15-34 years was 23.8% in the 35-59 year-olds, while the proportion of people over the age of 60 6, 8%. 41 71 weeks of suspected flu patients were sent for virological examination in the test material, 55% less than the previous week (160). The samples were 66 actual visit to the department of respiratory viruses, 4 ÁNTSZ South Plains, 1-1 is a sample of South Transdanubia and Northern Hungary Regional Institute víruslaboratóriumába received. The sentinel physicians, the actual visit by the respiratory virus, respiratory department sent 41 samples, 6 were influenza A positive, the positivity rate of 14.6% corresponds to. Submit the traditional framework of the six received 31 samples proved positive for influenza.

41 cumulation of weeks, flu-like illness were reported in the ÁNTSZ institutes.

The country has a total of 11 weeks in patients with confirmed influenza A infection, in all cases, the RT-PCR analysis of influenza A (H1N1) viruses identified in v. All 11 confirmed disease diagnosed in adults. Influenza A (H1N1) v Budapest positive cases (2), Baranya (1), Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén (1), Csongrád (1), Gyor-Moson-Sopron (1), Pest (1), Jasz-Nagykun -Szolnok (1), Hajdu-Bihar (1), Heves (1), Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg (1) occurred in the county. 3 Among the 11 patients were cared for in hospital. Respiratory failure due to an intensive class in two patients were treated, both patients died. The deceased's 33 year old woman and the 47-year-old man in terms of an increased risk of influenza complications group.

Conclusion: The clinical and virological data in the assessment concluded that 41 week, our country is moderately increased in flu-like symptoms seek medical rounds, the number of regional / community epidemics have been reported, the influenza activity is considered low. A 21-41. weeks of 2266 patients with virological tests to detect influenza A virus. This week 11 new confirmed cases of H1N1 pandemic caused by a variant of the cumulative number of known diseases, 283 rose, of which four were fatal.

The fourth home, the pandemic virus associated halálesetnél the 47-year-old man had a number of chronic disease, complications of influenza are highly vulnerable to the group belonged to. Pursuit of high fever for several days and because of its weakness was visited. Symptomatic and antibiotic treatment. Ambulance to hospital emergency departments, and Intensive Care Unit, where she is due to septic shock and circulatory failure, life could not be saved. The National Epidemiology Center of the patients from the study materials for virological studies of influenza A (H1N1) virus was detected in v.

Watch the National Influenza Data (Adobe pdf file, 50 kB)

Flu-like illness due to a doctor per 100,000 Number of ballots and the number of influenza positive patients in Hungary (Adobe pdf file, 47 kB)

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Influenza infection of 42th week (Oct.09-Oct.18) 2009 in Hungary

The National Centre for Epidemiology Information
influenza surveillance data
2009th 42nd seven
2009th October 9 to 18. Hungary has not changed between the flu?
Number of symptoms seek medical rounds (16 600) in it? z? week compared to the
Monitor? service participants? Doctors estimated that based on reports.
The patients, 55% of the total registered in the Central Hungarian Region: Pest County
100 000 inhabitants from 545, the F? In 189 patients diagnosed with flu?
disease physicians. These two areas outside the national average (166.8% ooo) is higher
morbidity only in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County (217 / 100 000 inhabitants) were observed.
42 weeks, a doctor turned out to patients by age? z? Like a week
was: 20.7% of 0-14 year old child, almost half (48.8%) young adults 15-34 years? tt was a 35-59
year-olds 23.2%, while 7.3% were 60 years or older.
42 weeks, 84 patients with suspected influenza? l test substance was sent for virological examination,
18% more than you? Z? week (71). Than one-third of the sentinel physicians, two-thirds
and other health care providers received. The samples from the 73 respiratory viruses during the actual visit
class, 6 to ÁNTSZ Central Transdanubia, Southern Transdanubia ÁNTSZ of 3, 1-1 samples in the Southern Plains
and the North-Hungarian Regional Institute víruslaboratóriumába received. The sentinel physicians
actual visit by the respiratory virus, respiratory department sent 29 samples, 5 were influenza A positive,
positivity rate of 17.2% corresponds to. Submit the traditional received within 55
Eleven samples (20%) were positive for influenza A (10 H1N1v, 1 (NT)).
This week a total of 16 patients with confirmed influenza A infection? Ling the 15 cases of RT-PCR
study of influenza A (H1N1) viruses identified in v. Pandemic influenza sick
one of 3 children, 12 adults? was before, four patients were cared for in hospital.
Influenza A (H1N1) v Budapest positive cases (2), Baranya (1), Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén
(1), Csongrád (1), Gy? R-Moson-Sopron (1), Pest (1), Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok (1), Hajdu-Bihar (1)
Fierce (1), Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg (1) occurred in County?. Similar to you? Z? week, the
Central Transdanubia region, except for a pandemic flu virus confirmed
42 weeks of flu? illnesses were reported in a cumulation of
ÁNTSZ Institute of Central Transdanubia. 12 f in a kindergarten? ill 38 ° C fever, cough,
colds and runny nose symptoms. Four cases occurred in laboratory testing of influenza viruses
pathogenetic role was excluded.
Conclusion: The clinical and virological data in the assessment concluded that 42
weekly influenza activity in our country has not changed, the low quality? noun?. The certified
spatial distribution of diseases has shown that the influenza A (H1N1) virus in the whole v
country is present.
Source: Epidemiology Division during the actual visit
A 21-42. weeks of 2350 patients with influenza A viral detection test
purposes. This week it worth it? Certified 15 new cases of the H1N1 pandemic caused by a variant known as
cumulative number of diseases has risen to 297.

Influenza infection of 43th week (Oct.19-Oct.25) 2009 in Hungary

The National Centre for Epidemiology Information
influenza surveillance data
2009th 43rd seven
2009th October 19 to 25. Between you? z? week compared to about 15% decrease
In Hungary, the flu? Number of symptoms seek medical rounds (14 200) of the
Monitor? service participants? Doctors estimated that based on reports.
The patients, 56% of the total registered in the Central Hungarian Region: Pest County
100 000 inhabitants from 425, the F? In 201 patients diagnosed with flu?
disease physicians. These two areas outside the national average (142.1% ooo) is higher
morbidity Hajdu-Bihar (186.8% ooo), Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County (161.6% ooo) was observed.
43 weeks, a doctor turned out to patients by age? z? Like a week
was: 22.8% of 0-14 year old child, less than half (46.4%) young adults 15-34 years? tt was a
35-59 year-olds 23.1%, while 7.7% were 60 years or older.
43 weeks, 101 patients with suspected influenza? l test substance was sent for virological examination,
20% more than you? Z? week (84). One third of the samples remains the sentinel physicians,
Two thirds are from other health care providers. The 89 samples from the actual visit Respiratory
class of virus, 6 of ÁNTSZ Southern Transdanubia, 6 samples in the Southern Plains and Northern Hungary
Regional Institute víruslaboratóriumába received. The sentinel physicians, the actual visit by the Respiratory Virus
class of 36 posts in respiratory samples, 5 were influenza A positive (NT), the positivity rate
Corresponds to 13.9%. Submit the traditional framework of the nine samples received 65
(13.8%) were positive for influenza A (9 H1N1v).
This week a total of 14 patients with confirmed influenza A infection? Ling the 9 cases in the RT-PCR
study of influenza A (H1N1) viruses identified in v. Pandemic influenza sick
including 4 children, 5 adults? was before, four patients were cared for in hospital.
The weekly influenza A (H1N1) v Budapest positive cases (5), Csongrád (1), Fejér (2), Heves (1)
County occurred?. In two weeks, except in the region confirmed influenza pandemic
virus disease.
43 ÁNTSZ week two, a pandemic caused by a virus, a relatively low morbidity
Community involved in epidemic numbers. The Central Hungary region, a high school class
13 f? ill 39 ° C fever, headache, lethargy, dry cough symptoms 15 to 20 October.
between. Sampling occurred in two patients, both A/H1N1v etiological evidence. The Southern Lowlands
primary schools in the region is one of two classes of 17 to 21 October. between 17 f? ill
flu? symptoms of a flu A/H1N1v students were positive.
Conclusion: The clinical and virological data in the assessment concluded that 43
weekly influenza activity in our country, the low quality? noun?. The symptoms of flu
physician rounds reduced the number of the country, was lower than the positivity rate of influenza is
like it? z? week, however, two local outbreaks of pandemic viruses demonstrated the role.
Source: Epidemiology Division during the actual visit
A 21-43. weeks of 2452 patients with influenza A viral detection test
purposes. This week it worth it? Certified 9 new cases of H1N1 pandemic caused by a variant known as
cumulative number of diseases increased 306, of whom 64 patients were cared for in hospital,
Four patients died.

Influenza infection of 44th week (Oct.26-Nov.01) 2009 in Hungary

The National Centre for Epidemiology Information
influenza surveillance data
2009th 44th seven
2009th October 26-November 01 Between you? z? week compared to about 10% -
Hungary fell to the flu? number of rounds, a doctor with symptoms
(12 700) in watching? Service participants? Doctors estimated that based on reports.
Patients were 60% registered in the Central Hungarian Region: Pest County
100 000 inhabitants from 371, the F? In 205 patients diagnosed with flu?
disease physicians. These two areas outside the national average (127.2% ooo) is higher
morbidity Gy? r-Moson-Sopron (135.8% ooo) counties have been observed.
44 weeks, a doctor turned patient 16.4% of 0-14 year old child, less than half
(45.8%) 15-34 years young adult? Tt was in the 35-59 year-olds 28.8%, while the 60 years or older to 9.0%
44 weeks, 102 patients with suspected influenza? l test substance was sent for virological examination,
the same as for your? z? week (101). The samples were close to half of the sentinel
physicians and other health care providers. The sentinel physicians, the actual visit by the Respiratory Virus
class of 54 posts in respiratory samples, 4 were influenza A positive (1 ND, 3 H1N1v), the positivity
rate of 7.4% is equivalent to. Submit the traditional framework of the sample received 48
Eleven (22.9%) were positive for influenza A (10 H1N1v, 1 NT).
This week a total of 15 patients with confirmed influenza A infection? Ling the 13 cases of RT-PCR
study of influenza A (H1N1) viruses identified in v. Pandemic influenza sick
including 4 children, 9 adults? was before, four patients were cared for in hospital. A Pest county asthma
because of well-kept, extremely overweight 15 year old young A/H1N1v of infection? infection resulting from
Primary viral lung? inflammation dead.
The weekly influenza A (H1N1) v Budapest positive cases (4), Baranya (1), Csongrád (2), Hajdu-
Bihar (1), Heves (2), Pest (1), Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg (1), Iron (1) occurred in the county?. The
1 week in every region except the region confirmed pandemic influenza virus
44 weeks of flu? there were no reports of illnesses cumulation
ÁNTSZ institutes.
Conclusion: The clinical and virological data in the assessment concluded that 44
weekly influenza activity in our country, the low quality? noun?. The symptoms of flu
physician rounds reduced the number of the country.
A 21-44. weeks of 2554 patients with influenza A viral detection test
purposes. This week it worth it? Certified 13 new cases of the H1N1 pandemic caused by a variant known as
cumulative number of diseases has risen to 319, of whom 68 patients were cared for in hospital,
Five patients died.

Influenza infection of 45th week (Nov.02-Nov.08) 2009 in Hungary

The National Centre for Epidemiology Information
influenza surveillance data
2009th 45th seven
2009th November 2 to 8. Between 43-44. weeks experienced a decrease again after
increase in the number of rounds, a doctor because of flu symptoms. The Monitor? Service
participants? based on reports from doctors estimated that 16,700 flu?
disease turned out?, about 30% more than 45 week.
The patients, 56% of the total registered in the Central Hungarian Region: Pest County
100 000 inhabitants from 573, the F? In 199 patients diagnosed with flu?
disease physicians. These two areas outside the national average (167.4% ooo) is higher
morbidity Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg (187.9% ooo) observed in the county.
45 weeks, a doctor turned patient, 24.9% of 0-14 year old child, less than half
(43.0%) young adults 15-34 years? Tt was in the 35-59 year-olds 24.6%, while the 60 years or older to 7.5%
45 weeks, 170 patients with suspected influenza? l test substance was sent for virological examination,
67% more than you? Z? week (102). The samples were close to half of the sentinel
physicians and other health care providers. The sentinel physicians, the actual visit by the Respiratory Virus
class of 86 respiratory samples submitted, 13 were influenza A positive (3 NT, 10 H1N1v), the
positivity rate of 15.1% corresponds to. Submit the traditional received within 84
Nineteen samples (22.6%) were positive for influenza A (18 H1N1v, 1 NT).
This week a total of 32 patients with confirmed influenza A infection? Ling the 28 cases of RT-PCR
study of influenza A (H1N1), v, 3 cases with no identified virus typed. Pandemic
3 children sick from influenza, 25 adult? had before. This week the ten influenza A
(H1N1) v positive patients were cared for in hospital, of whom two died (one 73 years old Csongrád County
Romanian citizen, and a 55-year Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok county residents). The deaths
elucidate the cause is underway.
The weekly influenza A (H1N1) v Budapest positive cases (12), Baranya (3), Borsod-Abaúj-
Zemplén (1), Csongrád (2), Gy? R-Moson-Sopron (3), Heves (1), Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok (1)
Komárom-Esztergom (2), Pest (2), Tolna (1) occurred in the county?. This week in each region
confirmed pandemic influenza virus caused disease.
45 4 weeks of flu? cumulation of symptomatic disease were
Report ÁNTSZ institutes. Three educational institutions in Budapest (1 school, 1
nursery school, a vocational school) reported flu? symptomatic disease. So far, two
Sampling of the institution, the nursery has already been demonstrated in an epidemic of influenza viral etiological
role. Zala County elementary school has developed an epidemic of laboratory tests
does not demonstrate? dtek into.
Source: Epidemiology Division during the actual visit
Conclusion: The clinical and virological data in the assessment concluded that 45
weekly influenza activity in our country, the low quality? noun? despite the fact that the
flu symptoms seek medical advice because of the country increased the number of rounds.
A 21-45. weeks of 2724 patients with influenza A viral detection test
purposes. This week it worth it? Certified 28 new cases of the H1N1 pandemic caused by a variant known as
cumulative number of diseases has risen to 347. These 347 patients, 78 patients needed
hospital care. A 21-45. Seven of the five patients died of pandemic influenza is confirmed

Influenza infection of 46th week (Nov09.-Nov.15) 2009 in Hungary

The National Centre for Epidemiology Information
influenza surveillance data
2009th 46th seven
The spread of influenza throughout the country
2009th November 9 to 10. between the continuation of the flu symptoms due to physician rounds
increase in the number, 46 week watching? service participants? doctors' reports on the basis of
estimated that 22,100 flu? disease turned out?, about 32% more,
like it? z? week.
All but one administrative area n? Before the number of patients, but each
counties affected mean? and differences have been found. Morbidity Pest, Heves, Gy? R
Moson-Sopron, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Komárom-Esztergom, Zala county, and the F? City
was the highest. Morbidity strongest? Fully Heves county rose to you? Z? weekly
more than tripled, Csongrád County, more than two and a half times, while Komárom-
Esztergom and Zala counties, more than two-fold increase in morbidity was observed?.
The flu? diseases in? turning frequency on the basis of Pest County
high (630.9% ooo) and 7 areas [Heves (415.5% ooo) Gy? r-Moson-Sopron (291.4% ooo)
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg (268.3% ooo), Komárom-Esztergom (265.1% ooo), Zala (262.4% ooo)
County Budapest and 539.3% ooo)] min moderate? noun? influenza activity.
The it? Z? week compared to the North-Hungarian region, more than double n? before the
flu? illness frequency (147.0% ooo), but 46 week of Középmagyarországi
region was the most affected areas (382 beteg/100 000 inhabitants), where the morbidity of the
More than half times the national average was. The region affected is as follows:
Western Transdanubia - 233,3,3% ooo, Northern Great Plain region - 214.5% ooo, North-Hungarian Region
- 147.0% ooo, Central Transdanubia region - 127.0% ooo, South-Transdanubia region - 105.2% ooo and South Plains
region - 103.6% ooo.
46 weeks, a doctor turned patient korstruktúrájában was no significant change
observed: the patients 29.1% of 0-14 year old child, almost a quarter (23.5%) 15-24 years of age,
one fifth (19.5%) were 25-34 years, 22.2% of 35-59 year-olds, while around 60 years or older to 5.7%
This week, influenza, or flu? 172 patients were allocated to hospital due to illness.
Influenza, or flu? f 15 due to illness? received intensive care, serious
8 of respiratory failure patient required mechanical ventilation.
46 weeks, 441 patients with suspected influenza? l test substance was sent for virological examination,
EL? z? week for more than two and a half times (170), the ratio of positive samples was 30.0%. This week
A total of 150 patients with confirmed influenza infection? ling the 134 cases, the RT-PCR
Influenza A (H1N1), v, 7 cases of influenza A viruses identified are not typed.
46 35 weeks gyermekközösséget affected? influenzajárványról been reported in the ÁNTSZ
institutes [19 elementary schools, 11 kindergartens, 3 high schools, 2 mixed schools (primary school
in an institution)]. The communities affected by the epidemic, 43% AAF? Town located in the
the second two areas most affected were 5-5 Pest and Fejér county institutions. Moreover, even
Seven County Community outbreak emerged 1-2. The 35 Community influenza pandemic, 77% of the
Central Hungary Central Transdanubia and turned away?.
The institutions involved in the morbidity rate ranged from 11-94%, 50-60% of the average
was. The characteristics of patients? En accompanied by high fever, muscle pain, cough, sore throat, colds
reported. Two patients had to be nursing. Diagnostic Laboratory
removal of the sample were 31 institutions. To this day, that 18 samples of processed
institution has been confirmed? síteni of influenza A (H1N1) infection caused by a virus v? zést.
The high level of disease or infection? Prevent further infection of
ordered the establishment of five institutions in the leadership stood on its own pre-school, school breaks.
Conclusion: The clinical and virological data evaluation can be established that
Hungary 46 weeks of nationwide coverage? and moderate influenza activity. The
National Morbidity 221.0% ooo has proved to be slightly above the epidemic threshold. The
in some regions and within regions in the affected counties were large variations
A 21-46. weeks of 3165 patients with influenza A viral detection test
purposes. 46 weeks to confirm? qualified 134 new cases of a pandemic caused by H1N1 variant,
cumulative number of known diseases, has risen to 481, seven patients died
evidence from influenza.
Actual visit Epidemiology Division

Influenza infection of 47th week (Nov.16-nov.22) 2009 in Hungary

The National Centre for Epidemiology Information
influenza surveillance data
2009th 47th seven
Strong sød? Influenza activity
2009th November 16 to 22. between the continuation of the flu symptoms due to physician rounds
increase in the number, 47 week watching? service participants? medical reports,
estimated that 34,100 flu? disease turned out?, 55% more than the
it? z? week.
The it? Z? week compared to the Central and Western Transdanubia double n? before the
flu? disease incidence (269 beteg/100 000 inhabitants, or 484 beteg/100
000 inhabitants), however, 47 week in the Central Hungarian region was the most affected (525
beteg/100 000 inhabitants). The Northern Plains region of 100,000 inhabitants were 281, in North Hungary
region 232, the South Plains region 189, the South Transdanubian region 178 patients turned to a doctor
flu? symptoms.
The flu? diseases in? turning frequency on the basis of Pest (866.2% ooo)
Gy? R-Moson-Sopron (735.4% ooo) and Heves (627.1% ooo) County, high quality? Noun? the
influenza activity. Seven area [Baranya (229.2% ooo), Fejér (261.5% ooo), Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok
(312.8% ooo), Komárom-Esztergom (467.0% ooo), Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg (357.2% ooo), Zala
(382.3% ooo) counties and in Budapest (331.0% ooo)], the influenza activity is low, the other
County remains low.
47 a week? z? week due to the doctor turned to patients n? before the children
rate: 35.9% of patients under the age of 15 were children. Almost a quarter of the patients (23.5%) 15-24
year-olds, 18.3% of 25-34 was among. The 35-59 year-olds 17.9%, while the 60
years or older to 4.4%.
47 weeks, 508 patients with suspected influenza? l test substance was sent for virological examination,
15% more than you? Z? week (441). The sentinel physicians, the actual visit by the Department of Respiratory Virus
78 posts in respiratory samples, 39 were influenza A positive (NT 6, 33 H1N1v), influenza
positivity rate of 50.0% corresponds to. Submit the traditional framework of received 430
sample of 196 (45.6%) were positive for influenza A (NT 4, 192 H1N1v). A total of 235 patients
confirmed influenza infection? ling the 225 cases, the RT-PCR analysis of influenza A (H1N1) v, 10
can not be typed influenza A viruses identified.
2009th November 16 to 22. gyermekközösséget another 46 were affected? influenza epidemic
were reported. The two epidemics wise? Det, 14 primary schools, 24 kindergartens, 3 and 2 high school
Mixed schools (primary school in one place) are concerned. The 10 county and local epidemics
f? City area? l have been reported, most from Budapest? l (14). Three counties (Fejér, Jasz-
Nagykun-Szolnok Komárom-Esztergom and) 5, and three counties (Gy? R-Moson-Sopron, Budapest,
Veszprém) 4 Community outbreaks have been registered. An additional 4 counties (Hajdú-Bihar, Nógrád, Tolna and
Zala) 1-2 in an epidemic occurred in the Community?. Central Hungary and Central Transdanubia
recorded in the region of two-thirds of the institutions involved in the disease. The
geographical interest in it? z? week was similar. 33 in an epidemic of viral
sampling, 22 November until 11 cases confirmed the A (H1N1) virus v pathogenetic role. The
large-scale disease or infection? 6 in order to limit the spread of infection establishment (5
kindergarten, a school) has ordered the institution leadership stood on its own nursery or school breaks.
47 234 weeks f? is cared for in hospital influenza, or flu? disease
due to one-third more than it? z? week, with 20 f? receiving intensive care. The
Patients referred to hospital for 43.6% of 0-14 year old child, 17.9% of young people aged 15-29, 30.3% of 30-64 year
, while 8.1% belonged to the over 65 age group. The 100 000 inhabitants per hospital
number of shots of babies under 1 year? for reading was the highest (15.6% ooo) and the 1-4 year olds
(10.6% ooo) and the 5-14 age group (4.5% ooo) is higher than the national average
(2.3% ooo). A diabetic man 65 years of influenza A (H1N1) infection v? Soils bacterial infection
can you? inflammation dead.
Conclusion: The clinical and virological data evaluation can be established that
Hungary 47 er week? specialized in influenza activity. The National Morbidity
341.7% ooo has proved to be the basis of which the population is judged to be least affected? Noun?. The
legintezívebben pandemic virus in Central Hungary, Central and Western Transdanubia spread.
A 21-47. weeks of 3673 patients with influenza A viral detection test
purposes. 47 weeks to confirm? qualified 225 new cases of a pandemic caused by H1N1 variant,
cumulative number of 706 known diseases has increased, so far a total of eight
patients died with evidence of A (H1N1) influenza A result.
Actual visit Epidemiology Division

Influenza infection of 49th week (Nov.30-Dec.06) 2009 in Hungary

The National Centre for Epidemiology Information
influenza surveillance data
2009th 49th seven
49 continued in the week because of flu symptoms seek medical rounds, the number of
rise: 2009th November 30 and December 6 Between 6% more patients were registered at the
watch doctors designated as 48, week. The 20% sample of the population
Based on the observation that 49 week, the country's population is about. 0.4%, 42,900
patients with flu-like illness occurred due to a doctor.
The last week in relation to the Southern Plains region of 40%, Southern Transdanubia and Northern Great Plains
regions, nearly 30% increase, while the Western Transdanubian region decreased by 10%
frequency of flu-like illness. The previous week, like 49 week of Középmagyarországi
was the most affected region (674 beteg/100 000 inhabitants), followed by Nyugatdunántúli
(421 beteg/100 000 inhabitants) and the Northern Great Plains Region (403 beteg/100 000 inhabitants). The
North-Hungarian region, 313, 302 Central Transdanubia, Southern Transdanubia
284, the South Plains region of 100,000 residents from 279 patients with flu-turned doctor
The incidence of flu-like illness within each region is
highly variable. Ten counties compared to last week continued to increase in the number of diseases,
Budapest, Bács-Kiskun county Heves and Zala practically unchanged, Komárom-
Esztergom, Gyor-Moson-Sopron and Vas counties and decreased complaints of flu
Number of physician rounds. The influenza activity in Pest (1180.0% ooo) is very high in county
Heves (659.3% ooo), Gyor-Moson-Sopron (552.9% ooo), Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok (513.2% ooo) and
Komárom-Esztergom (513.2% ooo) counties classified as high. Twelve of the area
moderate activity, three counties (Bács-Kiskun, Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén and Veszprém) continued
is low.
49 weeks, the doctor turned to patients in the proportion of children was 35.7%, but
Tolna County, more than half of the patients was 15 years of age. Almost a quarter of the patients (24.9%)
the 15-24 year-olds, 17.1% of 25-34 was among. The 35-59 year-olds to 18.4%, while
the 60 years or older was 3.9%.
49 week, 569 people cared for in hospital influenza, or flu-like illness
due. The previous week compared to more than one and half times increase in the need for hospital care
number of patients. The hospital referred patients, 39.2% of the children, 21.1% of young people aged 15-29, 31.3%
30-64 years old, while 8.4% belonged to the over 65 age group. The 100 000 inhabitants per
hospital admissions in infants (22.9% OOO), and between 1-4 years
(22.5% ooo) was the highest. 54 persons, 14 children and 40 adults receiving intensive care. The
severe respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation because of the number of new patients (31 persons) in the previous
hetitől not substantially differ. 49 ÁNTSZ 10 weeks of influenza A (H1N1) infected with the death of v
learned. Six of one or more persons with chronic underlying disease due to influenza
belonged to a group are increasingly at risk (42-64 year olds, and two of the four
Over 65 age group is included). The three of the four persons with no underlying disease
obese (24, 40 and 41 years old), a pregnant (20 years) were.
49 week 611 suspected flu patients were sent for virological examination in the test material,
7% more than in the previous week (569). The sentinel physicians, the actual visit by the Department of Respiratory Virus
121 posts in respiratory samples from 66 were influenza A positive (NT 22, 44 H1N1v), influenza
positivity rate of 54.5% corresponds to. Submit the traditional framework of received 490
sample of 246 (50.2%) were positive for influenza A (8 NT, 238 H1N1v). A total of 312 patients
Influenza A infection was confirmed by direct IF test. 282 cases of influenza by RT-PCR
A (H1N1) viruses identified in v.
47 week, gradually decreasing the number of influenza: 49 11 weeks of training
institution (5 kindergarten, 2-2-2 overall, medium, and the so-called. Mixed School) was informed of the epidemic
ÁNTSZ the previous week compared with 18 cal. Community epidemics of seven counties and the capital territory
reported. All 11 epidemic of viral samples, 8 December 3 cases
confirmed influenza A (H1N1) virus v pathogenetic role. Kindergarten is a break of its own
Head of the institution in the case.
Conclusion: The clinical and virological data evaluation can be established that
Hungary 49 strengthened further in the week, influenza activity. The National Morbidity
429.5% ooo has proven to be classified as moderate on the basis of the population affected. The
Most new patients in the Southern Great Plain, Southern Transdanubia and Northern Great Plains region registered.
A 21-49. weeks of 4853 patients with influenza A viral detection test
purposes. 49 282 weeks confirmed a new case of a pandemic caused by H1N1 variant,
cumulative number of known diseases, 1226, rose. Influenza A (H1N1) v
infection-related deaths rose to 23.
Actual visit Epidemiology Division

Influenza infection of 50th week(Dec.07-Dec.13)2009 in Hungary

The National Centre for Epidemiology Information
influenza surveillance data
2009th 50th seven
The eastern half of the spread of flu
The watch reports of the participating physicians based on the estimate made by the 2009th
December 7 to 13. of the country around. 45,800 people turned doctor flu-like symptoms,
6.7% over the previous week. The increase rate was equal to the previous week.
49 week compared to the increased number of outbreaks in nine counties: Borsod-Abaúj-
Zemplén County more than doubled, to nearly double in Veszprém county, Hajdu-Bihar
County, about one and half times. Budapest, Bács-Kiskun county Heves and practice
medical advice has not changed because of the flu turn frequency. Eight areas (including Pest
County) decreased the incidence of flu-like illness. The flu activity Pest
County (1060 beteg/100 000 inhabitants) - Despite a decline in the number of illnesses - even
still very high, Heves (649 beteg/100 000 inhabitants), Komárom-Esztergom (593
beteg/100 000 population), Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg (beteg/100 562 000 inhabitants) and Csongrád (503
beteg/100 000 inhabitants) counties classified as high. Twelve counties and in Budapest
influenza activity is low, Bács-Kiskun county Nógrád and remained low.
50, weeks, the doctor turned to patients in the proportion of children was 32.1%, but
Tolna Veszprém County, and the doctor reported, more than half of the patients was 15 years of age.
Almost a quarter of the patients (22.9%) of 15-24 year olds, 18.4% of 25-34 was among.
The 35-59 year-olds 21.8%, while the 60 years or older was 4.8%.
The hospital data from 50 influenza jelentőszolgálat week, 630 people cared for in hospital
Influenza, or flu-like illness due to 10% more than in the previous week. The
Patients referred to hospital for 35.9% of 30-64 years, 32.5% of the children, 23.3% of 15-29 year-old, while
8.3% of the over 65 age group belonged to. The 100 hospital admissions per 000 inhabitants
1-4 years of age and was highest among infants (22.2% ooo, respectively. ooo 21.8%). Of 58, 10
children and 48 adults receiving intensive care. Severe respiratory failure due to mechanical
number of new patients requiring ventilation (30 persons) agreed with the previous week.
50, ÁNTSZ 13 weeks of influenza A (H1N1) infected with v learned of his death. He died this week
the first child is due to an influenza pandemic. The 10-year-old child more nervous
of chronic illness suffered. An additional ten individuals are increasingly influenza
vulnerable group belonged to one or more of chronic underlying disease (30-64 in eight major
years, two major 65 years of age). The two previously healthy died, one pregnant (40 years)
50, week 704 suspected flu patients were sent for virological examination in the test material,
15% more than in the previous week (611). The sentinel physicians, the actual visit by the Department of Respiratory Virus
58 posts in respiratory samples, 14 were influenza A positive (NT 4, 14 H1N1v), influenza
positivity rate of 31.0% corresponds to. The conventional (diagnostic purposes), under Submit
received within the 646 samples 258 (39.9%) were positive for influenza A (14 NT, 244 H1N1v).
A total of 276 patients with confirmed influenza A infection. 258 cases were RT-PCR
Influenza A (H1N1) virus v identified 18 cases in the process of isolation of influenza A virus
szubtípusának and antigen structure determination.
2009. December 7 to December 13 period of 16 kindergarten and primary school
flu have been reported. Most (3-3) an institutional outbreak of Pest, Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok and
Veszprém County, occurred.
Conclusion: The clinical and virological data evaluation can be established that
Hungary 50 weekly influenza activity increased only slightly. The National
Morbidity has been 458.2% ooo of the population will continue to be concerned
moderate / medium considered. A pandemic virus is most intense this week
Central and Northern Great Plain Northern Hungary and the spread.
A 21-50. weeks of 5557 patients with influenza A viral detection test
purposes. 48 258 weeks confirmed a new case of a pandemic caused by H1N1 variant,
cumulative number of known diseases, has increased to 1484. Influenza A (H1N1) v
infection-related deaths rose to 36.
Actual visit Epidemiology Division


ヴィールスは、検出されなかった。1件の亜流インフルエンザ?(PARAINFLUENZA INFECTION)が
結論: ハンガリイの2010年第14週の04月05日ー04月11日の間の診察や、ヴィールス検査から推定すると

Influenza infection od 14th week(Apr.05-Apr.11)2010 in HUNGARY

The National Centre for Epidemiology Information
influenza surveillance data
2010th 14th seven
The watch reports of the participating physicians based on the estimate made by the
2010th April 5-11. between the country in the weeks preceding hetinél even fewer patients, ca. 3500 the previous
hetinél even fewer patients turned to a doctor because of flu symptoms.
14 calendar weeks physician rounds in less than a fifth were children (16.4%). The patients
18.4% of 15-24 year olds, 22.5% of them was among the 25-34 year olds. The proportion of 35-59 year olds
32.5%, while 10.2% were 60 years or older.
2010. 14th Year week of the flu, or flu-like illness of 16 people were
in the hospital and 7 people have received intensive care and 6 have fewer mechanical ventilation became necessary. The
hospitalized patients referred to 31,% of children, 12.5% of young people aged 15-29 were 37.5% of 30-64 year olds, while
18.8% of the over 65 age group belonged to.
This week, an influenza A (H1N1) v vírusfertőzéssel related deaths (60
year-old woman) was recorded.
14 a total of 25 weeks of flu-suspected patients were sent for virological test material
testing. The sentinel physicians, the actual visit by the department of respiratory virus in respiratory samples of 10 posts
there was no influenza A (H1N1) virus is a positive v, parainfluenza infection was confirmed in one patient
analysis. The conventional (diagnostic purposes) Submit sample of the responses to 15
Two proved to be influenza A (H1N1), A positive (13.3%). A total of 2 weeks in patients confirmed
Influenza A virus infection and disease in a 2 of influenza A (H1N1) virus v.
Conclusion: The clinical and virological data in the assessment concluded that
Hungary in 2010. Fourteenth week of the year was the continuing low influenza
2009. 21-2010. 14th weeks of 9488 patients with viral influenza test
to detect. 14 week 2 new confirmed case of a pandemic caused by H1N1 variant,
cumulative number of known diseases, 2156, rose. Influenza A (H1N1) infection v
associated with, the 14th known death registered capacity is 133 weeks
Actual visit Epidemiology Division


ハンガリイでは、2010年第15週の04月12日ー04月18日のあいだに 約3400人のインフルエンザ(風邪)

Influenza infection of 15th week(apr.12-apr.18) 2010 in Hungary

The National Centre for Epidemiology Information
influenza surveillance data
2010th 15th seven
The watch reports of the participating physicians based on the estimate made by the
2010th April 12 to 18. between the country in the weeks preceding hetinél even fewer patients, ca. 3400 turned
medical attention because of flu symptoms.
15 calendar week, a doctor turns around one-fifth were children (19.2%). 24.8% of the patients
the 15-24 year-olds, 22.7% of them was among the 25-34 year olds. The 35-59 year-olds 24.7%, while the
60 years or older was 8.6%.
2010. 15th Year week of the flu, or flu-like illness of 13 people have been
in hospital, six people have received intensive care and mechanical ventilation was required up to 5 people. The
Patients referred to hospital for 38.5% of the children was 38.5% of 30-64 year olds, while 23.1% are 65 years or older
belonged to age group. Young people aged 15-29 had not been hospitalized.
This week, an influenza A (H1N1) v vírusfertőzéssel related deaths (59
year-old woman) was recorded.
15 week, a total of 41 influenza patients suspicious substance was sent for virological testing
testing. The sentinel physicians, the actual visit by the department of respiratory virus in respiratory samples of 14 posts
there was no influenza A (H1N1) virus, v is positive, Chlamydia pneumoniae infection in one patient
evidence of the studies. The conventional (diagnostic purposes) of the responses to Submit
Two of 27 samples proved to be influenza A (H1N1), A positive (7.4%). This week a total of 2 patients
confirmed influenza A virus infection and disease in a 2 of influenza A (H1N1) virus v.
Conclusion: The clinical and virological data in the assessment concluded that
Hungary in 2010. the fifteenth week of the year was the continuing low influenza
2009. 21-2010. 15th weeks of 9529 patients with viral influenza test
to detect. 15 week 2 new confirmed case of a pandemic caused by H1N1 variant,
cumulative number of known diseases, 2158, rose. Influenza A (H1N1) infection v
associated, has become known deaths in the 15th Registered number of 134th week
Actual visit Epidemiology Division
Az Országos Epidemiológiai Központ Tájékoztatója
az influenza surveillance adatairól
2010. 15. hét
A figyelőszolgálatban résztvevő orvosok jelentéseinek alapján végzett becslés szerint a
2010. április 12-18. közötti héten az országban az előző hetinél is kevesebb beteg, kb. 3 400 fordult
orvoshoz influenzás panaszok miatt.
A 15. naptári héten orvoshoz fordulók közel egyötöde gyermek volt (19,2%). A betegek 24,8%-a
a 15-24 éves fiatalok, 22,7%-uk a 25-34 évesek közül került ki. A 35-59 évesek aránya 24,7%, míg a
60 éven felülieké 8,6% volt.
A 2010. év 15. hetében influenza, illetve influenzaszerű megbetegedés miatt 13 főt vettek
fel kórházba, 6 fő részesült intenzív ellátásban és 5 főnél vált szükségessé gépi lélegeztetés. A
kórházba utalt betegek 38,5%-a gyermek volt, 38,5% a 30-64 évesek, míg 23,1% a 65 éven felüliek
korcsoportjába tartozott. 15-29 éves fiatal nem került kórházba.
A héten egy, az influenza A(H1N1)v vírusfertőzéssel összefüggésbe hozható haláleset (59
éves nőbeteg) került a nyilvántartásba.
A 15. héten összesen 41 influenza-gyanús betegtől küldtek vizsgálati anyagot virológiai
vizsgálatra. A sentinel orvosok által az OEK Légúti vírus osztályára beküldött 14 légúti minta között
nem volt influenza A(H1N1)v vírus pozitív, egy betegnél Chlamydia pneumoniae fertőzést
igazoltak az elvégzett vizsgálatok. A hagyományos (diagnosztikus célú) beküldés keretében érkezett
27 mintából kettő bizonyult influenza A(H1N1)v pozitívnak (7,4%). A héten összesen 2 betegnél
igazoltak influenza A vírusfertőzést, mind a 2 megbetegedést az influenza A(H1N1)v vírus okozta.
Összegzés: A klinikai és a virológiai adatok értékelése alapján megállapítható, hogy
Magyarországon a 2010. év tizenötödik hetében változatlanul alacsony volt az influenza
A 2009. 21-2010. 15. hét között 9 529 betegnél történt virológiai vizsgálat influenzavírus
kimutatása céljából. A 15. héten megerősített 2 új esettel a pandémiás H1N1 variáns által okozott,
ismertté vált megbetegedések kumulatív száma 2 158-ra nőtt. Az influenza A(H1N1)v fertőzéssel
összefüggésbe hozható, ismertté vált halálesetek 15. hétig regisztrált száma 134.
OEK Járványügyi osztály


the consequence of the accident at Chernobyl ;26-04-2010

Today 24 years have passed since the technological accident at Chernobyl. It has been nearly a quarter century, however, and devastating damage that was caused to the country, disaster disaster, which claimed thousands of lives forever remain a black spot in the history of Ukraine.

Ministry of Health of Ukraine on the anniversary of the Chernobyl tragedy was the risk assessment for the nation's health.

Radiation condition

Against the backdrop of the overall stabilization of the radiological situation in Ukraine, the tendency to further complication of radiation components in environmental exclusion zone. It is this area remains a source of pollution and virtually all components of the environment. Through processes of redistribution and migration of radionuclides is the formation of secondary sources of radioactivity, making them potentially dangerous.

The main migration path of radiation outside the zone is river flow - river Pripyat. Particular products, won "samoposelentsyamy" in nature: fish, wild animals, mushrooms and berries, most are not suitable for consumption because the specific activity of cesium and strontium in them far exceeds the limit. Consumption of such products can significantly increase the level of dose received by internal exposure and increase the risk of oncology, leukemia, hereditary diseases, etc..

Therefore, the MOH Ukraine advises not to buy specified products to natural market, which is not radiation.

Health care affected

Today, comprehensive health care of victims of the Chernobyl disaster is funded by the budget program "Integrated health care and treatment of cancer with the use of expensive medical technologies citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster (ICPC 3,201,210). Ministry of Health is administered funds under this budget program.


Radiation effects of the Chernobyl disaster suffered primarily northern regions of Ukraine. They, according to the Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism is a region of moderate iodine deficiency. It is possible that as a rapidly absorbed thyroid radioactive iodine during an accident, especially focused on children and adolescents. In this condition, people often quickly become afflicted with thyroid cancer.

But the problem of iodine deficiency in Ukraine today can not be considered resolved, though the Institute of Endocrinology has considerable achievements in this field. Now when the appropriate state action.

The problem of the incidence of thyroid cancer from the Chernobyl disaster, remains urgent and present.

If you compare the incidence of 100 000 population among children and adolescents by age at the time of the accident, it is obvious gradual increase in this index over time. So according to clinical and morphological Registry Institute of Endocrinology for people who were children at the time of the accident noted that the growth rate of 28.8 times, and for those who were teenagers - in 12.4 times, respectively in 2006 - 2008, compared with 1986 - 1989's, when the increase in cases among this age have not been observed. Radiation nature "Poslechernobylskoe" thyroid cancer highlights the current difference between the incidence rates (more than 2.5 times in 2008) in the six most polluted northern regions and the rest - 21 regions of Ukraine. Based on the above, should be noted that the observation of the thyroid gland, requires long-term monitoring.

Those who were children and adolescents at the time of the accident, remember that they are at high risk of developing thyroid cancer, so they should apply to every doctor endocrinologist and undergo ultrasound of the thyroid gland to timely detection of tumors.

Internal exposure

Now the bulk of the additional radiation dose people living in Chornobyl-affected territories of Ukraine, due to internal exposure. It occurs due to contaminated food. Most of all radioactive parts contained in milk, meat and mushrooms.

Food is an important factor in the current environmental situation in the prevention of noncommunicable diseases and reducing the dose of internal radiation.

Research the necessity of raising standards in the diet consumption of dairy products, vegetable oils, fruits and vegetables, vitamins and trace elements. At the same time should take into account age, gender and professional needs of quantitative and qualitative components of food.

Respiratory apparatus

After the accident, during the significant release of radioactive dust was observed lesions of the upper respiratory tract. But since that time has passed 24 years. And today of respiratory diseases, particularly upper respiratory tract, are in the structure of children's pathology is one of the leading positions and represent about 65% of them - 85% falls on acute respiratory infections (ARI). But the main etiological factor is not of radioactive dust, and much kontahioznist and high prevalence of respiratory viruses.

Basic epidemiological aspects of acute respiratory diseases:

- PDG up to 90% of all infectious diseases in children

- Almost every child is sick during the year to PDG. Often sick children of preschool age. (From the 1000 children age 0-17 years suffered last year, on average, 914 children, among children under school age children sick in 1160 with 1000, ie children under 6 years of sick more often).

- Higher incidence in urban areas (especially at high levels of industrial pollution)

- The loss of state on a case PDG = $ 100-150. For the patient - $ 15-100.

Therefore, prevention and treatment of those diseases are in focus pediatricians. Without timely and adequate treatment of these diseases can take abnormal, followed by chronicity or inflame existing chronic diseases.

What parents should know to prevent influenza infection of children and ODS?

- Teach children to wash their hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds;

- Parents should also perform this procedure, which serves as a good example for children;

- Teach children to cough and sneeze into a tissue or your arm;

- Parents should also perform this procedure, which serves as a good example for children;

- To teach children not to treat patients closer than a half - two feet;

- Sick children should stay home (do not attend preschool and school);

- Children and parents to refrain from visiting crowded places.

- Should not engage in self-treatment. Appropriate patient medication only appoints doctor!

You must provide the child with a diet including age, health status, physical activity, the individual characteristics of children, seasons, family food traditions, socio-economic status families.

- Parents should ensure that in the diet in sufficient quantity of such foods as milk and dairy products, fruits and vegetables instead of high-depleted and beneficial ingredients such as food "fast food" (chips, hamburgers, etc.), ice cream, fried food , cookies, candy, sweet drinks;

- Limit sedentary lifestyle (television, computer, gaming devices allow no more than 1-2 hours a day) to encourage compatible with parents walk in the fresh air;

- Follow the recommendations of experts on physical activity, length of stay in the fresh air and recreation for children depending on age.

And most importantly - parents own example to show the child a healthy lifestyle.


Among all groups affected by the Chernobyl accident, there is a significant increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer. Incidence of this pathology liquidators exceeded national rates of 5.6 times, evacuees - in 4,4 times, residents of contaminated areas - in 1,4 times.

In women liquidators incidence of breast cancer at 1.5 times higher than the national average level.

In the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident also found a higher incidence of leukemia.

Reproductive Health and Newborn Health

According to statistics, in 2009 under the supervision of health facilities that are under the management of Health of Ukraine, there were 1,090,002 women aged 0 to 85 years and older suffered from the consequences of the Chernobyl accident.

From the total number of women 507 897 persons - 46.6% of women of fertile age 15-49 years.

Analysis of incidence suggests that infertility in women, victims of the Chernobyl consequences, registered three times more often than in general population.

Incidence of reproductive system in women suffered from the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, almost two times more than in the population.

Press Service of Health of Ukraine

Las consecuencias del accidente de Chernobyl; 26-04-2010

Hoy 24 años han pasado desde el accidente de Chernóbil tecnológica. Ha transcurrido casi un cuarto de siglo, sin embargo, y el daño devastador que fue causado al país, el desastre de desastres, que se cobró miles de vidas para siempre siendo un punto negro en la historia de Ucrania.

El Ministerio de Salud de Ucrania en el aniversario de la tragedia de Chernobyl fue la evaluación del riesgo para la salud de la nación.

Radiación condición

En el contexto de la estabilización general de la situación radiológica en Ucrania, la tendencia a la complicación adicional de los componentes de la radiación en la zona de exclusión del medio ambiente. Es esta área sigue siendo una fuente de la contaminación y prácticamente todos los componentes del medio ambiente. A través de procesos de redistribución y la migración de los radionucleidos es la formación de fuentes secundarias de radiactividad, lo que los potencialmente peligrosos.

La principal ruta de migración de la radiación fuera de la zona es el caudal del río - Pripyat río. productos particulares, ganó "samoposelentsyamy" en la naturaleza: peces, animales silvestres, las setas y bayas, la mayoría no son aptos para el consumo debido a la actividad específica del cesio y el estroncio en ellas supera con creces el límite. El consumo de estos productos puede aumentar significativamente el nivel de dosis recibida por exposición interna y aumentar el riesgo de la oncología, leucemia, enfermedades hereditarias, etc.

Por lo tanto, el Ministerio de Salud de Ucrania aconseja no comprar determinados productos en los mercados libres, en el que hay radiación.

Atención de salud afectados

Hoy en día, la atención de salud integral de las víctimas del desastre de Chernobyl es un proyecto financiado por el presupuesto por programas "La atención integrada de salud y tratamiento del cáncer con el uso de costosas tecnologías médicas ciudadanos afectados por el desastre de Chernobyl (ICPC 3.201.210). Ministerio de Salud se administra fondos bajo este programa presupuestario.


efectos de la radiación del desastre de Chernobyl sufrió principalmente las regiones norte de Ucrania. Estos, según el Instituto de Endocrinología y Metabolismo es una región de la carencia de yodo moderada. Es posible que, como el yodo radiactivo tiroides absorbe rápidamente en caso de accidente, especialmente centradas en los niños y adolescentes. En esta condición, la gente a menudo se convierten rápidamente en afectados por cáncer de tiroides.

Pero el problema de la deficiencia de yodo en la actual Ucrania no puede considerarse resuelto, a pesar de que el Instituto de Endocrinología ha alcanzado notables logros en este campo. Ahora, cuando la acción estatal correspondiente.

El problema de la incidencia de cáncer de tiroides desde la catástrofe de Chernobyl, sigue siendo urgente y actual.

Si se compara la incidencia de 100 000 habitantes entre niños y adolescentes por edad en el momento del accidente, es evidente aumento gradual de este índice con el tiempo. Así que de acuerdo a clínicas y morfológicas del Registro del Instituto de Endocrinología de personas que eran niños en el momento del accidente observó que la tasa de crecimiento de 28,8 veces, y para aquellos que eran adolescentes - en 12,4 veces, respectivamente, en 2006 hasta 2008, en comparación con 1986 - 1989, cuando el aumento de casos entre esta edad no se han observado. la naturaleza de radiación "Poslechernobylskoe" cáncer de la tiroides destaca la diferencia existente entre las tasas de incidencia (más de 2,5 veces en 2008) en las seis regiones del norte más contaminadas y el resto - 21 regiones de Ucrania. Con base en lo anterior, cabe señalar que la observación de la glándula tiroides, requiere un seguimiento a largo plazo.

Los que eran niños y adolescentes en el momento del accidente, recuerde que ellos tienen un alto riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de tiroides, por lo que deben aplicarse a cada médico endocrinólogo y someterse a la ecografía de la glándula tiroides para detección oportuna de tumores.

Exposición interna

Ahora la mayor parte del pueblo dosis adicional de radiación que viven en territorios afectados por Chernobyl de Ucrania, debido a la exposición interna. Se presenta debido a alimentos contaminados. La mayor parte de todas las partes radiactivo contenido en la leche, la carne y los champiñones.

Factor alimentaria es muy importante en la situación actual del medio ambiente en la prevención de las enfermedades no transmisibles y la reducción de la dosis de radiación interna.

Investigación de la necesidad de elevar los niveles de la dieta en el consumo de productos lácteos, aceites vegetales, frutas y verduras, vitaminas y oligoelementos. Al mismo tiempo debe tener en cuenta la edad, el género y las necesidades profesionales de los componentes cuantitativos y cualitativos de los alimentos.

Aparatos respiratorios

Después del accidente, durante la importante liberación de polvo radiactivo se observó lesiones del tracto respiratorio superior. Pero desde entonces ha pasado 24 años. Y hoy de las enfermedades respiratorias, el tracto respiratorio superior en particular, están en la estructura de la patología de los niños es uno de los puestos de dirección y representan alrededor del 65% de ellos - el 85% recae sobre las infecciones respiratorias agudas (IRA). Pero el principal factor etiológico no es de polvo radiactivo, y kontahioznist mucho y la alta prevalencia de virus respiratorios.

Básica epidemiológica aspectos de las enfermedades respiratorias agudas:

- PDG hasta el 90% de todas las enfermedades infecciosas en los niños

- Casi todos los niños enfermos durante el año para PDG. A menudo los niños enfermos en edad preescolar. (Desde el 1000 los niños de edad 0-17 años sufrió el año pasado, en promedio, 914 niños, entre los niños menores de niños en edad escolar por enfermedad en 1160 con 1000, es decir, niños menores de 6 años de enfermarse con más frecuencia).

- Mayor incidencia en las zonas urbanas (sobre todo en los altos niveles de contaminación industrial)

- La pérdida de estado en un caso PDG = $ 100-150. Para el paciente - $ 15-100.

Por lo tanto, el tratamiento y la prevención de estas enfermedades se encuentran en los pediatras de enfoque. Sin tratamiento oportuno y adecuado de estas enfermedades pueden tener anormal, seguida de la cronicidad o inflamar existentes enfermedades crónicas.

¿Qué deben saber los padres para prevenir la infección de la gripe de los niños y las SAO?

- Enseñe a los niños a lavarse las manos frecuentemente con agua y jabón durante 20 segundos;

- Los padres también deben realizar este procedimiento, que sirve como un buen ejemplo para los niños;

- Enseñe a los niños a toser y estornudar en un pañuelo o con el brazo;

- Los padres también deben realizar este procedimiento, que sirve como un buen ejemplo para los niños;

- Enseñar a los niños a no tratar a los pacientes más cerca de la mitad - dos pies;

- Los niños enfermos deben quedarse en casa (no asisten a preescolar y escolar);

- Los niños y los padres que se abstengan de visitar lugares concurridos.

- ¿No debería comprometerse en la auto-tratamiento. paciente la medicación adecuada asigna sólo un médico!

Usted debe proporcionar al niño una dieta como la edad, el estado de salud, actividad física, las características individuales de los niños, las estaciones, las tradiciones familiares de alimentación, las familias estatus socio-económico.

- Los padres deben asegurarse de que en la dieta en cantidad suficiente de alimentos como la leche y productos lácteos, frutas y verduras en lugar de alta empobrecido y los productos de ingredientes beneficiosos como la "comida rápida" (papas fritas, hamburguesas, etc), helados, frituras , galletas, dulces, bebidas dulces;

- Estilo de vida sedentario Límite (televisión, computadora, aparatos de juego no permitir más de 1-2 horas al día) para alentar a los padres a pie compatible con el aire fresco;

- Siga las recomendaciones de expertos en actividad física, la duración de la estancia al aire libre y la recreación para los niños según la edad.

Y el ejemplo más importante - propios padres para mostrar al niño un estilo de vida saludable.


Entre todos los grupos afectados por el accidente de Chernobyl, se produce un aumento significativo en la incidencia de cáncer de tiroides. La incidencia de esta patología liquidadores superado el nivel nacional de 5,6 veces, los evacuados - en 4,4 veces, los residentes de las zonas contaminadas - en 1,4 veces.

En las mujeres liquidadores incidencia de cáncer de mama a 1,5 veces superior al nivel promedio nacional.

En los liquidadores del accidente de Chernobyl también encontró una mayor incidencia de leucemia.

Salud reproductiva y salud del recién nacido

Según las estadísticas, en 2009 bajo la supervisión de establecimientos de salud que están bajo la administración de Salud de Ucrania, había 1.090.002 mujeres de 0 a 85 años y más sufrió las consecuencias del accidente de Chernobyl.

A partir del número total de mujeres 507 897 personas - el 46,6% de las mujeres en edad fértil 15-49 años.

Análisis de incidencia sugiere que la infertilidad en las mujeres, víctimas de las consecuencias de Chernobyl, registró tres veces más que en la población general.

Incidencia del sistema reproductivo en las mujeres sufren las consecuencias del accidente de Chernobyl, casi dos veces más que en la población.

Servicio de Prensa de Salud de Ucrania



2010年04月15日木曜日発表のイギリスのDEPARTMENT OF HEALTHのPANDEMIC H1N1(2009)
03月22日ー03月28日の感染率の2/人口10万0000人と、感染率は、同じくらいだ。THE HEALTH
PROTECTION AGENCYは、先週のブタ風邪感染者数は、5000人以下と推定している。2010年04月
65歳以上は、2で、合計 34人の入院患者がいた。重症患者で集中治療室は、5歳以下が、01。5歳ー15歳
は、0。16歳ー64歳は、04。65歳以上は、0。合計 5人の重症治療患者がいた。5歳以下の入院患者は、
SCOTLANDの感染死者は、69。WALESの感染死者は、28。NORTHERN IRELANDの感染死者は、18で、
妊娠女性は、15人の感染死者があった。ブタ風邪感染死亡者のうち、64歳以下は、83%をしめ て 、



ブタ風邪の予防注射の副作用で、去年 5人の患者が亡くなった。大部分は、関節炎の苦痛や、神経動揺



http://www.eum.hu/influenza-100325 によると

false medicine to cure flu advised internet, dec 18 2009

Marketing unlicensed flu homeopátiáskészítményeket advertised internet sites
2009th December 18
The H1N1 virus is caused by the flu, home-produced Fluval Fri injection to alleviate the possible side effects, to counteract the various web sites - Remedia Homöopathie GmbH (Austria) as the manufacturer's website under the name of H1N1 Influenza Impfstoff, Hungary Fluval Fri name - homeopathic medicine there.

There is no evidence that the two products are the same or different. The product is called in Hungary does not have (and did not know, Austria) has been authorized, such as domestic pharmacies for illegal distribution. Other types of so-called. product to help prevent seasonal flu is meopátiás advertise various web sites Influenzinum CH30 name, which is also the product is not authorized, so that both the distribution and is prohibited.

ÁNTSZ Pharmacy Department
ÁNTSZ Communications Department

influenza infection 51st week(14 dec-20 dec) 2009 in hungary

The National Centre for Epidemiology Information
influenza surveillance data
2009th 51st seven
Retreat of the flu, fewer patients with influenza
A 44-50. experienced continuous increase between weeks 51 weeks decreased the number of flu-like illness. The watch participating physicians received reports that under 2009. december 14-20. the week around the country. 36 600 people turned to a doctor because of flu symptoms. 51 week, 20% fewer patients were registered at the designated doctors watch as the 50th week.
50, Fourteen area decreased compared to last week due to flu-like illness incidence. Tolna county Nógrád and virtually no change in frequency of recourse to medical attention because of the flu. Four counties (Békés, Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg and iron) increased the number of outbreaks. The influenza activity in Komárom-Esztergom, Pest County and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg considered high. Eleven counties and in Budapest, the influenza activity is low, Baranya, Bács-Kiskun, Nógrád, Somogy and Zala counties was low.
Decreased compared to the previous weeks the children are involved, 51 weeks, the doctor turned to patients 30.8% had children under the age of 15 years. Almost a quarter of the patients (24.1%) of 15-24 year olds, 19.4% of 25-34 was among. The 35-59 year-olds 20.7%, while 5.0% were 60 years or older.
51 week, 553 people cared for in hospital influenza, or flu-like illness due to almost 10% less than the previous week. The hospital referred patients, 38.9% of children and 36.2% for 30-64 years, 15.9% of young people aged 15-29, compared to 9.0 - over 65% of the cohort belonged. The 100 000 inhabitants per hospital admissions in infants (34.3% ooo), was the highest másfészerese experienced during the previous week. 63 people, 19 children and 44 adults receiving intensive care. Severe respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation because of the number of new patients (40 persons), one-third higher than the previous week.
51 ÁNTSZ 9 weeks of influenza A (H1N1) infected with v learned of his death. Four of them in one or more persons with chronic underlying disease are more vulnerable because of the flu belonged to the group.
51 week 480 suspected flu patients were sent for virological examination in the test material. The sentinel physicians, the actual visit by the department of respiratory virus in respiratory samples submitted by 10 of 62 were influenza A (H1N1) v is positive, the positivity rate of 16.1% of influenza has met. The conventional (diagnostic purposes) Submit within 418 samples received from 142 (33.9%) were positive for influenza A (5 NT, 137 H1N1v). A total of 152 patients with confirmed influenza A infection. 147 cases, the RT-PCR analysis of influenza A (H1N1) viruses identified in v, 5 cases are in the process of influenza A virus isolation and structural determination szubtípusának antigen.
2009. december 14-20. period involving a total of 3 gyermekközösséget influenzajárványról were reported. Heves county of Baranya and a kindergarten, a primary school while in Veszprém County, flu-like symptoms have occurred due to illness. The laboratory tests carried out in two epidemic of influenza A (H1N1) virus v pathogenetic role has been certified. ÁNTSZ territorial jurisdiction of the sub-regional institutes of the three institutions have been agreed on its own head of a break in the case.
Conclusion: The clinical and virological data in the assessment concluded that in Hungary 51 weekly influenza activity decreased. The National Morbidity 366.0% ooo has proved the involvement of the population will continue to moderate / medium considered.
A 21-51. Week of 6 037 patients of virological tests to detect influenza A virus. 51 week 147 confirmed cases of new variant of the H1N1 pandemic caused by the cumulative number of known diseases, has increased to 1 631. Influenza A (H1N1) infection is associated with V number of deaths has risen to 45.
Actual visit Epidemiology Division