
ウガンダの西部 200kmのKIBALE(きばれ)で発生してこれまでに14人が死亡したエボラ出血熱の流行は、首都のKAMPALA


ウガンダの西部 200kmのKIBALE(きばれ)で発生してこれまでに14人が死亡したエボラ出血熱の流行は、首都のKAMPALA

El brote de Ébola alcanza la capital de Uganda

El presidente Museveni anuncia al menos una muerte en Kampala y pide a la población que esté alerta

The Ebola outbreak reaches the capital of Uganda

President Museveni announced at least one death in Kampala and asked the public to be alert

Kampala AFP 30 JUL 2012 - 13:50 CET
The epidemic of haemorrhagic fever caused by Ebola virus, which began earlier this month in western Uganda, has spread to the capital, Kampala, where at least one person has died from this disease, as announced the country's president, Yoweri Museveni, in a recorded statement released today.

The authorities were searching for all those who have been in contact with the victims of this disease very contagious and highly lethal for which no vaccine today. They have already quarantined the 20 health professionals who have dealt with the victim registered in the capital, who died in Mulago hospital.

The epidemic, which began in Kibale district, about 200 kilometers from the capital, has spread to the villages surrounding Kampala and Mulago hospital has seen "at least one or two patients," said Museveni. "The Ministry of Health seeks to track down everyone who has been with the victims. The seven doctors who have dealt with one of those who have come to Mulago, and died in hospital and 13 health workers quarantined" , said the president, who stood at 14 deaths have occurred to date.

Yoweri Museveni has called on people to report cases of Ebola. "Be vigilant, avoid shaking hands, do not bury anyone who has suffered symptoms similar to Ebola (high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding) without calling the health workers who know how." Also recommended: "Avoid promiscuity because the disease can also be transmitted sexually," the president, who wished "good luck" to their fellow citizens
ウガンダの西部 200kmのKIBALE(きばれ)で発生してこれまでに14人が死亡したエボラ出血熱の流行は、首都のKAMPALAに到着し、1人か2人が感染死亡



カンパラAFP30 JUL 2012 - 13:50 CET



首都から約200キロカンパラMulago病院周辺の村に拡がってキバレ地区で始まった流行は見ている"少なくとも1つまたは2つの患者を"ムセベニ大統領は言った。 "保健省は、被害者とされているすべての人を追跡しようとしています。Mulagoになってきた者の一人に対処し、病院で死亡し、13医療従事者は隔離され7医師" 14人が死亡に立った大統領は日に発生していると述べた。

ヨウェリ·ムセベニは、エボラの症例を報告する人々に呼びかけている。 "警戒され握手を避ける方法を知っている医療従事者を呼び出すことなく、エボラ高熱、嘔吐、下痢、出血)に似た症状に苦しんできたを埋葬しないでください。"また、推奨される: "この病気はまた、性的に送信することができますので、混乱を避け"彼らの仲間の市民に "幸運"を望んだ社長は、


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