Una vacuna experimental controla el VIH hasta un año
La prueba no se comercializará, pero indica un camino para frenar la progresión del virus
Anna Pazos Barcelona 2 ENE 2013 - 20:49 CET
A controlled experimental HIV vaccine one year
The test will not be sold, but it indicates a way to slow the progression of the virus
Pazos Anna Barcelona 2 ENE 2013 - 20:49 CET
The medical community has taken a step in the search for a final solution against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The team of researchers from the Department of Infectious Diseases and AIDS Clinical Hospital of Barcelona presented today the results of a therapeutic vaccine against HIV, the results are most encouraging to date. The tests, conducted in 36 patients who were antiretroviral therapy (ART), showed a reduction of more than three times in viral load in 95% of those infected, while in the control patients, who received a placebo, this reduction did not occur. The positive effects, however, begin to decline after the twelfth week, disappearing after a year of implementation. "The vaccine will not cure all patients. The virus becomes resistant to antiretrovirals after a while, and what we want is to achieve functional cure, "he explained Felipe Garcia, co-author of the research paper published in the journal Science Translational Medicine.
The researchers' goal is to perfect a vaccine to control HIV replication indefinitely. It would provide a viable alternative antiviral cocktails, which lasts for life is a high cost, in addition to the inconvenience to patients. To create the vaccine, doctors used dendritic cells affected, and then contaminate it with part of the patient's own virus inactivated by heat in the laboratory. These cells reincorporated into the patient's body, manage to reach the lymph nodes and alert the immune system of the existence of HIV, thus triggering the immune response.
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By the time the vaccine will not replace the TAR, and that after a year of implementation virus appears again gradually. "This vaccine is not a marketable product. Although it is scientifically important, must be supplemented and optimized before going on sale, "said Josep Maria Gatell, who leads the team of researchers from the Department of Infectious Diseases and AIDS Hospital. Gatell adds that "anything that is not achieving undetectable retroviral load is acceptable", so it will continue to investigate in that direction.
The therapeutic vaccine, discovered under the HIVACAT program for research and development of therapeutic and preventive vaccines against AIDS, opens the way to further studies, with the aim of achieving a functional cure affected. This healing would not complete eradication of the virus, but effective control of replication for long periods or for life, without treatment. "The final vaccine is possibly a combination of different strategies, perhaps adding it to a second therapeutic vaccine or drug that activates latent infection", Gatell has speculated about the future of discovery. Although the project has HIVACAT financial support of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Obra Social La Caixa and Laboratorios Esteve, Gatell has shown that the pace of research could be accelerated to have additional funding sources.
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