La OMS revela que la polución daña la salud más de lo que se creía
Un nuevo informe asegura que las partículas en suspensión están relacionadas con arteriosclerosis o enfermedades respiratorias en niños, además de diabetes, problemas en la función cognitiva y desarrollo neuronal
Informe de la OMS
Elena G. Sevillano Madrid 31 ENE 2013 - 19:25 CET
WHO reveals that pollution damages health more than previously thought
A new report says that the suspended particles are associated with arteriosclerosis or respiratory diseases in children, as well as diabetes, impaired cognitive function and neuronal development
WHO Report
Ellen Sevillano Madrid 31 ENE 2013 - 19:25 CET
The European Commission is determined to toughen the legal limits of pollution that allows Member States. This was stated by the Environment Commissioner, Janez Potocnik, after receiving a report commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO) about the effects of air pollution on health. The document, released this week, says that certain types of pollution (in particular, the particulate matter PM2, 5) are related to diseases such as arteriosclerosis or respiratory diseases in children, as well as diabetes and cognitive function and neuronal development.
"The air quality policy of the European Union must be based on the latest scientific evidence," Potocnik said in a statement. "So I asked the WHO to do this study. Relations has found between air pollution and human health, reinforce the need to expand our policies: this is one of the keys in the review of the air quality policy , 2013, "he added.
Over 80% of the European population is exposed to levels of particulate matter (PM, its acronym in English) that exceed the recommendations of the WHO, the European Commission recalls. This means each citizen, on average, a decline of 8.6 months. The WHO study, funded by the European Union, answers 22 questions about the relationship between air pollution and health. In spring we will publish the full technical report, says the Commission. Among other things, the document notes that there is a causal link between the PM2, 5 and cardiovascular and respiratory mortality.
Spanish scientists recently demonstrated in two articles a clear statistical relationship between high concentrations of particulate matter PM2, 5-named for measuring less than 2.5 microns in diameter, which derive about 90% of the traffic, particularly of engines diesel-and hospital admissions in Madrid. The studies were conducted by researchers from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III.
The European Commission believes that it is necessary to review the pollution limits for nitrogen dioxide (NO2), a toxic gas that irritates the airways and that basically comes from motor vehicle traffic. "Recent studies have linked exposure to short-and long-term NO2 with mortality, hospital admissions and respiratory symptoms at concentrations lower than the limits allow current European", the statement of the Commission.
Last July, the Commission rejected the extension requested by Spain to Barcelona, Vallès area Baix Llobregat and Palma could circumvent for five years required to meet the maximum contamination nitrogen dioxide (NO2). European legislation allows a maximum annual average of 40 micrograms per cubic meter of the gas, a mandatory limit since 2010. Barcelona was around 50 micrograms at some stations this year. Madrid, meanwhile, expects the Commission to rule on the moratorium asked the mayor, Ana Botella. The capital since 2010 violates European legislation on air quality.
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