

2012年06月27日水曜日16:35 晴れ 最低気温;20ー22ºC、最高気温;27ー29ºC Barcelona, Espanya



El presidente de Novacaixa se aferra al cargo pese a la querella de la fiscalía

Anticorrupción señala a Julio Fernández Gayoso, de 80 años, que no dimite

Novacaixa president clings to office despite the complaint of the prosecution

Corruption points to Julio Fernandez Gayoso, 80, who resigns

Maria Fernandez Vigo 27 JUN 2012 - 08:50 CET
The complaint of anti-corruption prosecutor against five Novacaixagalicia exdirectivos of having inflated their shields 7.8 million has been admitted by the High Court will investigate whether there was concealment of information to the Bank of Spain and the Board of Directors of the Galician bank. The scandal has touched Julio Fernandez Gayoso full, 80 years and director of Caixanova, one of the boxes that were merged, for 40 years. The box was left on Monday without its first president, Mauro Varela, who resigned over a statement which claimed that buyers of preferred "knew what they were taking."
Gayoso, the virtual number one since yesterday, has not even budge Anti ask its complaint for an alleged crime of unfair administration. The veteran executive would have allowed the changes in compensation contracts inflated by 7.8 million euros with "full knowledge of the very difficult economic situation was going through the lender." The biggest loser was the State itself, which had to inject 3.665 million through the FROB to support the organization, now nationalized.
After the operation, the Galician bank is a lackluster shadow of its former self, with a huge real estate consists of over 100 buildings emblematic can barely keep and only 7% of the shares of the bank that transferred its business.
Paradoxically has more vocal in their assembly employees on the payroll (320 against 257). At the last meeting, held last Wednesday, she almost did not get a quorum to pass resolutions. It so happened that the Department of Facenda was removed weeks earlier, the possibility that the 250 attendees euros waived by diet.
"Nobody understands how it has not already resigned, his age and everything that is happening. Since the box does not even have any power to sign agreements rather than cultural" analyzes a counselor. The most militant members of the executive body, which are many, tomorrow will be asked to leave, but "knowing, is not passed by the imagination," says another voice asked. Gayoso believed, according to sources close, they must fend off the accusations "from within".
Meanwhile, employees required by active and passive Novacaixagalicia foundation becomes a special character, so we can remove the old structures inherited from Caixa Galicia and Caixanova (and with them, their oversized bodies of government).
The viability plan is based on the dividends they receive from Novagalicia Bank should, but this remains a bottomless pit in the middle of the crisis: over 4,500 billion needed to meet the financial reform decrees approved by the PP. The project also includes sponsorships, but does not specify where they will come.
In its headlong rush has just introduced a plan to reduce running costs by 45% and invest 180 million euros over the next five years in care activities. The project leader for the future and current CEO of the box, Guillermo Brea, plans to retire next month.


マリア·フェルナンデスビーゴ27 JUN 2012 - 8時50分CET
彼らの盾780万を膨らませたの5 Novacaixagaliciaのexdirectivosに対する反腐敗検察官の苦情が高等裁判所で認められている情報の隠蔽は、スペインの銀行との取締役会にあったかどうかを調べます。銀行をガリシア語。スキャンダルはフリオ·フェルナンデスGayosoフル、80年とCaixanova、40年間、マージされたボックスのいずれかの監督に触れている。ボックスは、その初代社長に、好ましいのバイヤーが主張したステートメントを介して辞任したマウロ·バレラ、なくても月曜日に残された "彼らが取っていたか知っていた。"
Gayoso、昨日から仮想ナン​​バーワンは、さらに抗不当な政権の疑惑の罪のために、その苦情を求めるびくともしませんでした。 "非常に困難な経済状況の完全な知識が貸し手を通過した。"とベテラン幹部が780万ユーロによって膨張補償契約の変更を許してしまう。最大の敗者は現在国有化は、組織をサポートするために、FROBを通じて3665000を注入しなけ​​ればならなかった国家そのものであった。
"誰もがすでに、彼の年齢と何が起こっているすべてのものを辞任していない方法を理解しています。ボックスがあっても契約に署名するのではなく、文化的にするためにどのようなパワーがありませんので、"カウンセラーを分析します。多くは執行機関の中でも最も過激派メンバーが、明日は残すように要求されますが、 "知ることは、想像力によって渡されない、"別の声が尋ねたと言います。 Gayosoに近い筋によると、信じて、彼らは "内から"非難をかわす必要があります。

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